Very easy to assemble but it was missing a few pieces of hardware to assemble. Having said that I contacted the seller and they were amazing. They immediately sent out the missing assembly hardware and I received it in a few days. Excellent customer service
I picked up this bed for about half the cost of other similar options. Its all plywood or pressed wood but it is not flimsy. I did glue together the drawers. I believe without that step and they may fall apart. Some of the holes were also off about an eighth of an inch so I had to fill those and re-drill them.
We were worried when we first ordered it because weve been looking for a good sturdy storage bed for a long time. After quite a bit of research we finally found one. We love it!
Its nice once put together! Biggest problem was no boards was labeled. We where misssing one piece to one of the drawers. So made that a drawer we wont be using much.
Its fine. Its expensive for something that you have to put together yourself. Its heavy and hard to put together it took me all day and the drawer literally broke just hours after putting it together but that was my husbands fault. also the boards for the platform dont always stay in place
Was fairly easy to assemble, seems to be very sturdy. Only flaw, thought I was getting the one that was pictured, was really wanting the with the bookcase headboard.
Perfect bed for extra storage in a small apartment! It took a few hours to put together (3 adults and a 10 year old helper) and the pieces could have been labeled better to make it easier, but we finally got it together. Its been 3 months and I have zero complaints.
Part missing great customer service
Very easy to assemble but it was missing a few pieces of hardware to assemble. Having said that I contacted the seller and they were amazing. They immediately sent out the missing assembly hardware and I received it in a few days. Excellent customer service
Works well but needs improvement
I picked up this bed for about half the cost of other similar options. Its all plywood or pressed wood but it is not flimsy. I did glue together the drawers. I believe without that step and they may fall apart. Some of the holes were also off about an eighth of an inch so I had to fill those and re-drill them.
Super impressed!
We were worried when we first ordered it because weve been looking for a good sturdy storage bed for a long time. After quite a bit of research we finally found one. We love it!
Pain to put together
You definitely need at least two people to put this together. Nice once its assembled though!
Fits great for my daughter. Saves space. I forgot to tuck the sheet but you get the picture.
No labeled boards missing a piece!!!
Its nice once put together! Biggest problem was no boards was labeled. We where misssing one piece to one of the drawers. So made that a drawer we wont be using much.
Wood not sturdy.
Very poor quality. It wobbles too much and it a partical boad mess.
Costs more than its worth but its fine
Its fine. Its expensive for something that you have to put together yourself. Its heavy and hard to put together it took me all day and the drawer literally broke just hours after putting it together but that was my husbands fault. also the boards for the platform dont always stay in place
Be careful of what you are ordering.
Was fairly easy to assemble, seems to be very sturdy. Only flaw, thought I was getting the one that was pictured, was really wanting the with the bookcase headboard.
Storage solution
Perfect bed for extra storage in a small apartment! It took a few hours to put together (3 adults and a 10 year old helper) and the pieces could have been labeled better to make it easier, but we finally got it together. Its been 3 months and I have zero complaints.
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