I love it..I found them to be sturdy once assembled which took me about 10 minutes. I needed someone to help me for a few minutes to hold one piece, but after that it was easy. Very sturdy parts, not flimsy at all.
I needed a relatively small end table for my living room which is furnished in Victorian furniture. This table had the fashion without overwhelming the space. Its gorgeous and perfect for the space. The table, itself, is sturdy and was fairly east to put together by myself. Instructions say 2 people which would make it extremely easy to put together.
I love this table and would recommend it to anyone. The quality is good and it looks much more expensive than what it is.
I was upset at the assemble of the product if it had been regular screws and nuts that you can use a screw gun with the whole process would of been a 5 star BUT allen wrenches are the worst to work with especially in small spaces. The workmanship was pretty good a couple knicks here and there. Nothing real bad.
Overall style is great they look amazing in the livingroom.
At first I was a little skeptical about purchasing a glass table from . However, upon its arrival and once I removed it from the beat up box, threw out the styrofoam that I hate so much, assembled it and placed it in my living and fell in love. Its the perfect fit for my space. I love it!!!
beautiful Table!!
Great Value!
Beautiful table! Easy to assemble. Great value!
Easy to put togother
We are using this table in the corner between two couches that are at 90 degrees. It works great, looks great and was easy to put togother
Good Value for price
I love it..I found them to be sturdy once assembled which took me about 10 minutes. I needed someone to help me for a few minutes to hold one piece, but after that it was easy. Very sturdy parts, not flimsy at all.
Delighted with this table
I needed a relatively small end table for my living room which is furnished in Victorian furniture. This table had the fashion without overwhelming the space. Its gorgeous and perfect for the space. The table, itself, is sturdy and was fairly east to put together by myself. Instructions say 2 people which would make it extremely easy to put together. I love this table and would recommend it to anyone. The quality is good and it looks much more expensive than what it is.
It was easy to put together
It was just what I was looking for.
Get you one!
These were by far the greatest furniture purchase I have ever made on . Very high quality, and just all around pleasing to look at haha.
Beautiful design - look awesome
I was upset at the assemble of the product if it had been regular screws and nuts that you can use a screw gun with the whole process would of been a 5 star BUT allen wrenches are the worst to work with especially in small spaces. The workmanship was pretty good a couple knicks here and there. Nothing real bad. Overall style is great they look amazing in the livingroom.
Nice looking and sturdy
Very attractive piece
Great buy!!!
At first I was a little skeptical about purchasing a glass table from . However, upon its arrival and once I removed it from the beat up box, threw out the styrofoam that I hate so much, assembled it and placed it in my living and fell in love. Its the perfect fit for my space. I love it!!!
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