Really happy with this purchase. It was easy to assemble, is very sturdy, and looks great. The price was also very reasonable. I feel like I got my money's worth and then some.
In all the years of ordering and buying things that need to be put together, this bed frame was by far the easiest to understand and follow the directions. Everything from the time I opened the box until the final piece was assembled, easy, easy, easy. Feels very sturdy and we are very happy with it, start to finish. One thing to be aware of is all the pieces are inside the headboard, very clever! Theres a sticker on it that tells you but at first I thought we had just gotten the headboard. Very happy customers!
I'll provide a concise review of Omkaram Upholstered Queen Bed Frame.
Delivered undamaged in only two days and assembly with easy with clear instructions. The bed frame was sturdy and reasonably priced. Strongly recommended for the younger crowd or a college student living on a budget.
I was apprehensive buying this but thought I would give it a try--WOW so glad I did! The sturdiness and quality are A Plus LOVE the denim look! Also very easy to put together--all in all I would recommend this bed frame!!
This product gets 5 stars for its packaging alone. Everything came packed in the headboard! Kudos to the designers - Im impressed!! The parts were cleary labeled and blister packed. The instructions were easy to follow and the ratchet allen wrench is the best thing since sliced ham. The bed was so easy to put together and is super sturdy. I cant say enough good things about this products. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.
Queen Blue upholstered platform bed
So easy to put together and no bedbugs!!! Yay! I totally love it!
Good product for this price
Very good product for this price. Definitely recommend the product
Easy to assemble, sturdy, no squeaking, looks great!
Really happy with this purchase. It was easy to assemble, is very sturdy, and looks great. The price was also very reasonable. I feel like I got my money's worth and then some.
I would buy this again
In all the years of ordering and buying things that need to be put together, this bed frame was by far the easiest to understand and follow the directions. Everything from the time I opened the box until the final piece was assembled, easy, easy, easy. Feels very sturdy and we are very happy with it, start to finish. One thing to be aware of is all the pieces are inside the headboard, very clever! Theres a sticker on it that tells you but at first I thought we had just gotten the headboard. Very happy customers!
Platform Bed In A Box
I'll provide a concise review of Omkaram Upholstered Queen Bed Frame. Delivered undamaged in only two days and assembly with easy with clear instructions. The bed frame was sturdy and reasonably priced. Strongly recommended for the younger crowd or a college student living on a budget.
WOW GREAT Quality!
I was apprehensive buying this but thought I would give it a try--WOW so glad I did! The sturdiness and quality are A Plus LOVE the denim look! Also very easy to put together--all in all I would recommend this bed frame!!
Great frame for the cost
So easy to set up. My whole house are platform beds
Great Purchase! look fancy
Really pretty also great material and Easy to Install.
Beautiful, sturdy and easy to set up.
After looking at many we decided to try this, what a great system this is. 100% happy. Had it for 2 months now, sturdy, light and easy
If only I could give this 10 stars!
This product gets 5 stars for its packaging alone. Everything came packed in the headboard! Kudos to the designers - Im impressed!! The parts were cleary labeled and blister packed. The instructions were easy to follow and the ratchet allen wrench is the best thing since sliced ham. The bed was so easy to put together and is super sturdy. I cant say enough good things about this products. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.
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