Color is not as dark as in picture, easy to put together in about 4 hours did it myself, instructions are mostly pictures.
Once I got it together it is very sturdy. Perfect for when my two grandkids spend the night. A few pieces were missing but quickly replaced. Love this piece as a couch, perfect for reading and doing hand crafts. So glad I bought this after many days of looking, comparing and reading reviews.
Ive had this couch now for about 2 months, and I love it. It is very pretty ( i got the light blue) . It looks and feels like great quality. Who knows how long it will hold up, but I am happy with my purchase. It was a bit annoying to put together / especially because the arms are sewn in and hidden, so if you miss them and assemble it all without them, you have to do some work to attach them. The paper instructions included are really bad, so watch the video they have to assemble it / makes it way easier.
Its not 100 perfect but then again it wasnt very expensive. I needed a cute couch to fold out for guests. The seating is firm yet comfortable. Sleeping on it was fabulous! I tested it out before I had any guests sleep on it. I like a firm mattress so this is great!!
These dont even look like futons. Photo taken of the velvet blue in natural light. It is lighter than the stock photo shows but its exactly the color I wanted. These come carefully packaged and all you have to do to assemble is remove from the box, fold each side out at the middle hinge (back and seat are attached already), and attach the legs and arms (stored in the zipper stow away under the seats). The memory foam is comfortable and they look great. Would recommend having a drill on hand to attach the legs.
I love the versatility of this design. I have a small space, and it fits perfectly. Instructions said needs two for assembly, I did it by myself. A bit tricky, but done. Could sleep two, if you like each other. Otherwise, perfect for one luxurious nights sleep.
This is the most comfortable futon Ive ever owned. If you move out of town a lot, this is so convenient since it collapses down to less than a quarter of the size in less than 10 minutes.
Very nice futon. Great looks, very comfortable, and the upholstery haptics are great. The assembly took me longer than I expected, but its not that hard, even if its done by one person alone.
Beautiful daybed and trundle
Color is not as dark as in picture, easy to put together in about 4 hours did it myself, instructions are mostly pictures. Once I got it together it is very sturdy. Perfect for when my two grandkids spend the night. A few pieces were missing but quickly replaced. Love this piece as a couch, perfect for reading and doing hand crafts. So glad I bought this after many days of looking, comparing and reading reviews.
Good buy
Beautiful color could be thicker padding on seat
super comfortable to sleep on!
Ive had this couch now for about 2 months, and I love it. It is very pretty ( i got the light blue) . It looks and feels like great quality. Who knows how long it will hold up, but I am happy with my purchase. It was a bit annoying to put together / especially because the arms are sewn in and hidden, so if you miss them and assemble it all without them, you have to do some work to attach them. The paper instructions included are really bad, so watch the video they have to assemble it / makes it way easier.
This will be for visitors to have a place to sleep. Im tall, so the seat is perfect for me. Its not plush or soft, but firm.
perfect for what I need it for
Its not 100 perfect but then again it wasnt very expensive. I needed a cute couch to fold out for guests. The seating is firm yet comfortable. Sleeping on it was fabulous! I tested it out before I had any guests sleep on it. I like a firm mattress so this is great!!
Sturdy, smartly designed, and easy to assemble
These dont even look like futons. Photo taken of the velvet blue in natural light. It is lighter than the stock photo shows but its exactly the color I wanted. These come carefully packaged and all you have to do to assemble is remove from the box, fold each side out at the middle hinge (back and seat are attached already), and attach the legs and arms (stored in the zipper stow away under the seats). The memory foam is comfortable and they look great. Would recommend having a drill on hand to attach the legs.
Quality of workmanship
My daughter is very happy with the couch.
Beautiful design, fits my style.
I love the versatility of this design. I have a small space, and it fits perfectly. Instructions said needs two for assembly, I did it by myself. A bit tricky, but done. Could sleep two, if you like each other. Otherwise, perfect for one luxurious nights sleep.
Comfy as can be
This is the most comfortable futon Ive ever owned. If you move out of town a lot, this is so convenient since it collapses down to less than a quarter of the size in less than 10 minutes.
Nice looking and comfy futon!
Very nice futon. Great looks, very comfortable, and the upholstery haptics are great. The assembly took me longer than I expected, but its not that hard, even if its done by one person alone.
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