There are other pieces that match and that is a bonus as we bought two other pieces. This was the easiest to assemble. Looks wonderful. Sturdy and higher quality than expected for the price.
We love these end tables. They are the right size for a small space, very sturdy, easily assembled, and look more expensive than they were. They also are tall enough to match the height of the arms of our couch. Very pleased!
Easy to install
On a scale of 1-10 9.5
Love this piece!
There are other pieces that match and that is a bonus as we bought two other pieces. This was the easiest to assemble. Looks wonderful. Sturdy and higher quality than expected for the price.
Solid and sturdy! Beautiful
We love these end tables. They are the right size for a small space, very sturdy, easily assembled, and look more expensive than they were. They also are tall enough to match the height of the arms of our couch. Very pleased!
Good quality
Very pretty piece of furniture .
Beautiful piece of furniture
Completely happy with this purchase! Would recommend it to anyone.
Great value
Looked much more expensive..very sturdy
Easy to assemble
Exactly what I expected
Love it
Very nice sturdy furniture. Looks good and good quality.
Product was just like picture and description.
Matched exactly to an only one left end table purchased in furniture store. Priced a little more but was worth it to get a match.
Very nice
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