The good. The response from the seller was excellent. The chair came without the assembly parts and they sent them right away. The color is beautiful, good quality.
The bad. This chair is impossible to assemble. My friend had to drill new holes because they just dont alingn. If they just send that part of the chair pre assembled then the rest would be a breeze. The chair is not extremely confortable.
I have these chairs in my office as an HR manager. It creates such a welcoming vibe with a burst of color to them. They are cozy and sturdy. My staff love the comfort of them and have complemented the look daily!
While the assembly was a bit cumbersome, I would still recommend these if you are looking for stylish sitting chairs. The frame is extremely sturdy, the cushions are firm while sill being comfortable, the cushions do not slide around, the cushion covers are durable and removable for easy cleaning (our pup is on and off these all day) and lastly they look good!
I wish there was a matching foot rest so these could become more of a lounge chair!
I love the look of the chair but its not as comfortable as I wouldve thought and it was a little problematic putting together since there were two screws that had no holes drilled for them.
Do not reccomend
The good. The response from the seller was excellent. The chair came without the assembly parts and they sent them right away. The color is beautiful, good quality. The bad. This chair is impossible to assemble. My friend had to drill new holes because they just dont alingn. If they just send that part of the chair pre assembled then the rest would be a breeze. The chair is not extremely confortable.
Absolutely adorable.
I have these chairs in my office as an HR manager. It creates such a welcoming vibe with a burst of color to them. They are cozy and sturdy. My staff love the comfort of them and have complemented the look daily!
Worth it
While the assembly was a bit cumbersome, I would still recommend these if you are looking for stylish sitting chairs. The frame is extremely sturdy, the cushions are firm while sill being comfortable, the cushions do not slide around, the cushion covers are durable and removable for easy cleaning (our pup is on and off these all day) and lastly they look good! I wish there was a matching foot rest so these could become more of a lounge chair!
Not complete
I ordered 2 chairs, one did not come with the screws for the back to the seat
You get what you pay for!
I love the look of the chair but its not as comfortable as I wouldve thought and it was a little problematic putting together since there were two screws that had no holes drilled for them.
Assembly was a little difficult.
They are a very sturdy chair and look beautiful in our bedroom.
I like the chairs its comfy and cozy.
I like them because, they dont taken more space
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