I bought this bedframe for my one-year-old who absolutely loveees it . It arrived quicker than expected, all parts were in the box, there was no damage to any parts and it was very easy to put together. Definitely would recommend and I would definitely buy it again. Simply Perfect!
I bought this frame for my 7 year old son. I couldnt believe how easy this was to put together. My two young boys even helped me and read me the directions. It couldve been done by one person but more difficult once fully piecing together. Every pre-drilled hole lined up perfectly! The wood was real sturdy heavy wood. Not the fake stuff. There were a couple knicks in it but nothing major. I only wish there were caps for the bolts that show. On the top of the frame. Extremely happy!!
Edit: the company reached out and offered a partial refund for the inconvenience of having to paint them. Issues aside, they are really good!!! beds and I appreciate the company wor with me.
I ordered 2 grey beds for my boys since all of their furniture is grey. I received two white beds so now nothing matches. Fine, whatever I can deal with it. But in addition to that one of the s is cracked, the drill holes are off and some of the holes had so much paint in them you had to force the drill through. So far they seem sturdy which is unfortunately the only thing Im happy about this far. Chic
I loveee this bed. Its sturdy and looks great!!! in my room. The s were a little challenging to put together by myself but once they were together the bed was very easy to put together. Must have!
Definitely would recommend
I bought this bedframe for my one-year-old who absolutely loveees it . It arrived quicker than expected, all parts were in the box, there was no damage to any parts and it was very easy to put together. Definitely would recommend and I would definitely buy it again. Simply Perfect!
Best bed frame ever!
I bought this frame for my 7 year old son. I couldnt believe how easy this was to put together. My two young boys even helped me and read me the directions. It couldve been done by one person but more difficult once fully piecing together. Every pre-drilled hole lined up perfectly! The wood was real sturdy heavy wood. Not the fake stuff. There were a couple knicks in it but nothing major. I only wish there were caps for the bolts that show. On the top of the frame. Extremely happy!!
Great bed firm
loveee the bed. Easy to put together Excellent buy!
Received wrong color and were cracked
Edit: the company reached out and offered a partial refund for the inconvenience of having to paint them. Issues aside, they are really good!!! beds and I appreciate the company wor with me. I ordered 2 grey beds for my boys since all of their furniture is grey. I received two white beds so now nothing matches. Fine, whatever I can deal with it. But in addition to that one of the s is cracked, the drill holes are off and some of the holes had so much paint in them you had to force the drill through. So far they seem sturdy which is unfortunately the only thing Im happy about this far. Chic
Love this!
Looks great!!!. Not hard to assemble. Very comfortable.
Quick to assemble Very well made
Cheap but good
I loveee them and so do my kids 100% satisfaction
Love it
loveee it!!! easy to assemble Sweet and comfy
Sturdy bed
I loveee this bed. Its sturdy and looks great!!! in my room. The s were a little challenging to put together by myself but once they were together the bed was very easy to put together. Must have!
Delivery faster then I thought and its beautiful Gorgeous color and design
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