Wow, this thing rocks! We have 5 kids... soon to be six, and we needed to figure out how to get 4 in one room. They are in LOVE! Took some time to assemble, but that’s to be expected for a 4 bed bunk. I’m so happy to say that it is not only beautiful but sturdy! This was a total win!
I felt like the price was good on this bed compared to lots of others. It feels pretty sturdy to me. I believe our ceiling is 94 tall and I was worried about my oldest have room on top but she actually has plenty of room. This is perfect for my 3 girls in our little house. It got here pretty fast and packaging was in good shape. Nothing was broken or missing. My husband had no issue putting it together, was done in like 3hrs.
Just completed the assembly of two units. I have several complaints. One of the connection tubes (Part U) was welded incorrectly in such a way as to make it unusable; I was able to adjust it with a hammer and chisel without too much trouble, fortunately. The bed frames (Part R) had several sharp edges at weld spots that had to be filed down to avoid catching/ripping the bed sheets. The filing marred the finish, of course, but it wont show. My other complaint is regarding the ladder up to the top bunk: the rungs are not evenly spaced and lie immediately over the middle guardrails, so its impossible to know what you are stepping on and easy to miss your footing. Seems to me like an accident waiting to happen. We havent used the bunks yet, but otherwise seems like a good product.
The beds are very sturdy and worth every penny. My girls loved there beds as it went well with the decor in their room. Very satisfied with my purchase.
Needed help assembling this and getting it in order... I love that I have the option of having bunk Beds and two separate twins for any type of situation at home
Buy this one. My eldest is almost 11 and a bit heavy.. I dont worry about him up top. This thing is STURDY. Took my husband about 2 - 2 1/2 hours to build, he is very mechanically inclined though. Have 3 kids in one small room, this solved our problems. Also got my 2 year old out of my bed because she was stuck cosleeping in my bed with me since birth! I tried every bed imaginable to get her out but she wouldnt budge until now since she has her own bed in with her brothers. Been smooth sailing since night 1.
Beautiful and sturdy!
Wow, this thing rocks! We have 5 kids... soon to be six, and we needed to figure out how to get 4 in one room. They are in LOVE! Took some time to assemble, but that’s to be expected for a 4 bed bunk. I’m so happy to say that it is not only beautiful but sturdy! This was a total win!
Awesome bed!
Love love love
I felt like the price was good on this bed compared to lots of others. It feels pretty sturdy to me. I believe our ceiling is 94 tall and I was worried about my oldest have room on top but she actually has plenty of room. This is perfect for my 3 girls in our little house. It got here pretty fast and packaging was in good shape. Nothing was broken or missing. My husband had no issue putting it together, was done in like 3hrs.
Couple of problems
Just completed the assembly of two units. I have several complaints. One of the connection tubes (Part U) was welded incorrectly in such a way as to make it unusable; I was able to adjust it with a hammer and chisel without too much trouble, fortunately. The bed frames (Part R) had several sharp edges at weld spots that had to be filed down to avoid catching/ripping the bed sheets. The filing marred the finish, of course, but it wont show. My other complaint is regarding the ladder up to the top bunk: the rungs are not evenly spaced and lie immediately over the middle guardrails, so its impossible to know what you are stepping on and easy to miss your footing. Seems to me like an accident waiting to happen. We havent used the bunks yet, but otherwise seems like a good product.
Great value
Study great value
My kids are enjoying!
Bella y comoda.
Esta bien Bonita.
Worth it !
The beds are very sturdy and worth every penny. My girls loved there beds as it went well with the decor in their room. Very satisfied with my purchase.
It’s good for the price
Needed help assembling this and getting it in order... I love that I have the option of having bunk Beds and two separate twins for any type of situation at home
Worthy investment
Buy this one. My eldest is almost 11 and a bit heavy.. I dont worry about him up top. This thing is STURDY. Took my husband about 2 - 2 1/2 hours to build, he is very mechanically inclined though. Have 3 kids in one small room, this solved our problems. Also got my 2 year old out of my bed because she was stuck cosleeping in my bed with me since birth! I tried every bed imaginable to get her out but she wouldnt budge until now since she has her own bed in with her brothers. Been smooth sailing since night 1.
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