My 15 year old assembled it in less than 1/2 hour. Looks good, very sturdy construction my 35 year old son slept on it. Rolls easy from the day bed. Watch that center wheel you will often hit your toes if you dont remember its there.
Easy to put together but look at all the holes before putting together. I was adding the last wheel to a corner and found out the screw hole was not done correctly and couldnt screw the wheel in. Instead of trying to contact the buyer, we removed the wheels and slides against our carpet well enough without the wheels
This was a replacement for a trundle we already had. It works better than our other one. Its good quality and has extra features that make it an improvement over our previous one.
Assembly was a nightmare. Two of the round pegs were too big to fit in the square rails!! My husband had to use a hammer to get it in. We couldnt put the screws in because you couldnt turn the pegs to line up the holes just right. One side was fine. The other was ridiculous. The only reason I didnt send it back is that we needed it for the next night. Now that its (permanently) assembled, it seems fine. Need to buy something to put the wheels to keep it from rolling around at night.
We used this trundle to put our childrens bunk beds to make it three beds in the space of one. The trundle rolls easily but doesnt strike me as especially strong, but seems on par for the relatively low cost. It will only be used occasionally so I dont think it will be a huge issue for us, but may be if you are going to use it daily. I also plan to get a bunkie board for it, since I dont think the mattress directly on the bars will be good for the wear and tear of the mattress.
Fit perfectly a raised twin. Now my 6
Fit perfectly a raised twin. Now my 6 yr old can pull his mattres in and out on his own. Husband put together in about 15 minutes.
Five Stars
love it!
Highly satisfied !
My 15 year old assembled it in less than 1/2 hour. Looks good, very sturdy construction my 35 year old son slept on it. Rolls easy from the day bed. Watch that center wheel you will often hit your toes if you dont remember its there.
Four Stars
doesnt adjust (raise) up and down
Wheels or no wheels
Easy to put together but look at all the holes before putting together. I was adding the last wheel to a corner and found out the screw hole was not done correctly and couldnt screw the wheel in. Instead of trying to contact the buyer, we removed the wheels and slides against our carpet well enough without the wheels
Extra features make this a great purchase
This was a replacement for a trundle we already had. It works better than our other one. Its good quality and has extra features that make it an improvement over our previous one.
Pieces dont fit together right
Assembly was a nightmare. Two of the round pegs were too big to fit in the square rails!! My husband had to use a hammer to get it in. We couldnt put the screws in because you couldnt turn the pegs to line up the holes just right. One side was fine. The other was ridiculous. The only reason I didnt send it back is that we needed it for the next night. Now that its (permanently) assembled, it seems fine. Need to buy something to put the wheels to keep it from rolling around at night.
put together and is sturdy. Works perfect
Came fast, within a week, put together and is sturdy. Works perfect.
Good trundle for the price
We used this trundle to put our childrens bunk beds to make it three beds in the space of one. The trundle rolls easily but doesnt strike me as especially strong, but seems on par for the relatively low cost. It will only be used occasionally so I dont think it will be a huge issue for us, but may be if you are going to use it daily. I also plan to get a bunkie board for it, since I dont think the mattress directly on the bars will be good for the wear and tear of the mattress.
a little to far apart but other that not bad for the price
Bars are a little to far apart but other that not bad for the price
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