This wasn't that bad to put together. I prepared myself for the assembly from reading reviews and it went way better than I had anticipated. This bed is perfect. My 3 year old daughter loves it! Great space saver for a small room. I have no complaints. Very sturdy as well.
Very difficult for a single mom to assemble. It took me 4 hours, with all 1400 pieces. My daughter loves it though and I was impressed by the final result.
Good grade building materials, solid frame. Steps give nice added color. Perfect solution when you don't want a bunk bed or loft bed as it's not too high for low ceiling rooms.
Seemed really complicated when I first unboxed. Not to bad once I started as long as the kids aren't around to bother you. Does not take as long to put together as they say. I ordered 3 of these beds. Other bunk style were to high up. Now they can store stuff underneath or use it as a play area.
The wood frame was easy to put together. It kept auprisin us with how sturdy it got. Very well made and all the screw hole lines up perfectly. The part we had the most trouble with was the wooden steps. In the end they turned out perfectly but getting them together was a bit frustrating the CAM screws were a bit cheap and we had to shave some extra wood off a few to make them fit in. We bought it because we wanted a lower bunk bed so we set up a second twin bed under it and our twins love it.
My granddaughter (2yo) loves this bed and it was easy enough for my son to build it mostly by himself. Only thing I did not take into consideration is that the bars around the sides only go up high enough to be level with the mattress, so they will not keep anybody from rolling out of bed. I am very happy with the sturdy-ness of the product.
This set came in a lot of pieces, but it also had very detailed instructions. It is very spacious and were able to put a small dresser and a toy box underneath it. My 5 year loves it.
This bed is just what we were looking for. It arrived in fine shape, no dings or scratches. It's a very heavy box; around 100lbs. My husband was the one who primarily put it together. The directions were easy to follow and all the pieces were clearly labeled. We read one review that said not to tighten down the screws completely until finished, which was, for the most part, good advice. Most of the directions were accurate in telling when you shouldn't completely tighten down screws, though. We just ended up going back, almost at the end, to tighten down all the screws. The stairs/drawers didn't line up completely perfect but it is pretty minor, and hard to notice. We also purchased a fort/tent that hangs down on the bed to make a cute fort underneath. This is definitely a low loft bed, which is what we wanted. Directions say for 6yr and up, but we got it for a 4yr old. I think it just all depend on the child's maturity.
Definitely recommend!
This wasn't that bad to put together. I prepared myself for the assembly from reading reviews and it went way better than I had anticipated. This bed is perfect. My 3 year old daughter loves it! Great space saver for a small room. I have no complaints. Very sturdy as well.
Very difficult for a single mom to assemble. It took me 4 hours, with all 1400 pieces. My daughter loves it though and I was impressed by the final result.
Love! Would buy again
I love the bed! But oh my goodness! It is one hell of a bed to build! Most difficult thing I have ever built!
Made to last
Good grade building materials, solid frame. Steps give nice added color. Perfect solution when you don't want a bunk bed or loft bed as it's not too high for low ceiling rooms.
Great for kids!
Seemed really complicated when I first unboxed. Not to bad once I started as long as the kids aren't around to bother you. Does not take as long to put together as they say. I ordered 3 of these beds. Other bunk style were to high up. Now they can store stuff underneath or use it as a play area.
Very sturdy construction.
The wood frame was easy to put together. It kept auprisin us with how sturdy it got. Very well made and all the screw hole lines up perfectly. The part we had the most trouble with was the wooden steps. In the end they turned out perfectly but getting them together was a bit frustrating the CAM screws were a bit cheap and we had to shave some extra wood off a few to make them fit in. We bought it because we wanted a lower bunk bed so we set up a second twin bed under it and our twins love it.
Love it!
Our toddler loves her bed!!
My granddaughter (2yo) loves this bed and it was easy enough for my son to build it mostly by ...
My granddaughter (2yo) loves this bed and it was easy enough for my son to build it mostly by himself. Only thing I did not take into consideration is that the bars around the sides only go up high enough to be level with the mattress, so they will not keep anybody from rolling out of bed. I am very happy with the sturdy-ness of the product.
Love this bed but LOTS of patience needed to put it together!
This set came in a lot of pieces, but it also had very detailed instructions. It is very spacious and were able to put a small dresser and a toy box underneath it. My 5 year loves it.
Love it
This bed is just what we were looking for. It arrived in fine shape, no dings or scratches. It's a very heavy box; around 100lbs. My husband was the one who primarily put it together. The directions were easy to follow and all the pieces were clearly labeled. We read one review that said not to tighten down the screws completely until finished, which was, for the most part, good advice. Most of the directions were accurate in telling when you shouldn't completely tighten down screws, though. We just ended up going back, almost at the end, to tighten down all the screws. The stairs/drawers didn't line up completely perfect but it is pretty minor, and hard to notice. We also purchased a fort/tent that hangs down on the bed to make a cute fort underneath. This is definitely a low loft bed, which is what we wanted. Directions say for 6yr and up, but we got it for a 4yr old. I think it just all depend on the child's maturity.
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