Easy to assemble and the fit of the components was good. I would have given 5 stars if the parts weren't covered in oil and metal chips/shavings. That is day one stuff for a supplier of fabricated metal components. Bring some shop rags and gloves!
I bought this for my two grandchildren. One is eight and the other two. They both love it. It's sturdy and safe as a trampoline could be. Instructions for assembly aren't great and I got a little aggravated putting it together. But it's a good product.
Great gift for my 2 and 6 year old. Seems very sturdy, wasn't too hard to put together. I worried that my 6 year old might hit his head on our low (8ft) ceilings but that hasn't been a problem. Hope it lasts for years.
Very Difficult to assemble. The trampoline mat is too small. The kids were looking forward to this for Christmas and were so disappointed. I have Chest pains pulling the springs and no matter how we pull. There is a gap so the mat is too small. I am So upset this messed up christmas fir my boys. Terrrible
Love this product. My 2 and 4-year-old love it and enjoy it so much. It fits both of them and they are able to get physical activity and do it safely. Great product. Highly recommend.
Granddaughter happy
Our three year old granddaughter loves this trampoline. As far as durability, it is too early to tell.
Nephews are in love
My 4 year nephews LOVE this thing
Fun, fun, fun
A Christmas favorite for sure. Seems to be very durable. I love the screen enclosure. Exactly as described.
Very nice! Exactly what they were looking for
Purchased for our grandsons ages 4 1/2 and 1 1/2 to use in their basement during inclement weather. They are having a blast with it!
Almost Perfect...
Easy to assemble and the fit of the components was good. I would have given 5 stars if the parts weren't covered in oil and metal chips/shavings. That is day one stuff for a supplier of fabricated metal components. Bring some shop rags and gloves!
It's a good trampoline
I bought this for my two grandchildren. One is eight and the other two. They both love it. It's sturdy and safe as a trampoline could be. Instructions for assembly aren't great and I got a little aggravated putting it together. But it's a good product.
Great gift, seems sturdy
Great gift for my 2 and 6 year old. Seems very sturdy, wasn't too hard to put together. I worried that my 6 year old might hit his head on our low (8ft) ceilings but that hasn't been a problem. Hope it lasts for years.
This does not work! Very difficult to assemble. Mat is too small
Very Difficult to assemble. The trampoline mat is too small. The kids were looking forward to this for Christmas and were so disappointed. I have Chest pains pulling the springs and no matter how we pull. There is a gap so the mat is too small. I am So upset this messed up christmas fir my boys. Terrrible
Perfect size for small kids but terrible for assembling
Its the perfect size for toddlers and small children BUT ,my god,the assembly is a pain in the a$$!!
Love this product. My 2 and 4-year-old love it and enjoy it so much. It fits both of them and they are able to get physical activity and do it safely. Great product. Highly recommend.
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