The bed was painted white poorly and there was a decent size cosmetic smear on the headboard that looks awful up close and is rough to the touch. The underside of the bed is really rough so Im hoping the kids wont crawl under and get splinters. Its nice but kind of hard to assemble
Purchased for my son who is going to kindergarten. Delivered fast and easy to assemble. It feels sturdy, already used for 1 month and no loosen parts. Great value and well made
Easy to assemble and it seems sturdy. We bought two for a very active 3 and 5 year old. We did have to tighten the screws again after a couple months but thats because the kids jump, move it around, and are crazy. Well worth the money. Im 6 months pregnant and built both of them myself! Theyre beautiful. Look Great Reasonably Priced
It was easy to assemble.My 8year old daughter and I put it together....very sturdy..I must say there was a defect in one of the railings and the company was very willing to correct the problem. Yes I would buy it again Beautiful product, excellent customer service
Ok bed but not for looks
The bed was painted white poorly and there was a decent size cosmetic smear on the headboard that looks awful up close and is rough to the touch. The underside of the bed is really rough so Im hoping the kids wont crawl under and get splinters. Its nice but kind of hard to assemble
Bolts need loctite
I had to add blue loctite on all the bolts because they kept loosening. You get what you pay for.
Cute bed
Perfect fit for our daughters room. Sturdy and easy to move if you need to.
Nice bed
Purchased for my son who is going to kindergarten. Delivered fast and easy to assemble. It feels sturdy, already used for 1 month and no loosen parts. Great value and well made
Good size
Good Quality,Good size
Kid friendly
Sturdy easy to put together and low to the floor ... exactly as it shows in the picture and the best..
I recommend! Theyre beautiful.
Easy to assemble and it seems sturdy. We bought two for a very active 3 and 5 year old. We did have to tighten the screws again after a couple months but thats because the kids jump, move it around, and are crazy. Well worth the money. Im 6 months pregnant and built both of them myself! Theyre beautiful. Look Great Reasonably Priced
Very good bed for a young lady
It was easy to assemble.My 8year old daughter and I put it together....very sturdy..I must say there was a defect in one of the railings and the company was very willing to correct the problem. Yes I would buy it again Beautiful product, excellent customer service
easy to assemble
Easy to assemble! Very sturdy
Attractive for the price
I wish it were more sturdy. Worked out but could be better
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