Assembling this was kind of difficult because the instructions are kind of vague. It took me and the boyfriend over 2 hours to assemble it.
It does seem very sturdy but I would definitely purchase the anchors to anchor it into the ground. So far the kids love it so thats a win in my book Thought it was bigger.
Looks nice and sturdy. The directions are very difficult to understand. Theres nothing labeled in the diagrams. Some parts were difficult to put together.
thanks great product. The trampoline only lasted for three weeks before the metal rings started to fall off. said to contact dealer and they have been very uncooperative. I am so frustrated with this product and feel I should be able to be either compensated the full price or get a new trampoline.
easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver. Bought the kids the 16ft and its fantastic! They have a ton of room on it and the net is very well made. Its a really well constructed piece. Recommend it for bigger kids or for little ones to grow with!
Looks solid, easy to assemble. Got one for my kids. This was ok to assemble. Directions were not the greatest but I figured it out pretty easily. I also used a impact driver to assemble and that sped up the assembly time by a ton. Wish they had torque specs for how tight the screws should be. Its a little wobbly but it did handle max weight fine . I think the spring guard should be attached in a better way but all in all for the price? You cant beat it !
Worth it!
Took me and a friend 3 hours to assemble.
Vague instructions
Assembling this was kind of difficult because the instructions are kind of vague. It took me and the boyfriend over 2 hours to assemble it. It does seem very sturdy but I would definitely purchase the anchors to anchor it into the ground. So far the kids love it so thats a win in my book Thought it was bigger.
Great product
Pretty easy to assemble. Good size. Only issue is the ladder pops up after use.
Buyer beware
Some of the netting was ripped when we open the box, the padding around the springs was ripped into places.
Good product
It is quality item. Very sturdy and balances properly.
Needs better instructions
Looks nice and sturdy. The directions are very difficult to understand. Theres nothing labeled in the diagrams. Some parts were difficult to put together.
Not satisfied with service.
thanks great product. The trampoline only lasted for three weeks before the metal rings started to fall off. said to contact dealer and they have been very uncooperative. I am so frustrated with this product and feel I should be able to be either compensated the full price or get a new trampoline.
Very well made, and large
easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver. Bought the kids the 16ft and its fantastic! They have a ton of room on it and the net is very well made. Its a really well constructed piece. Recommend it for bigger kids or for little ones to grow with!
Nice little trampoline !!
Looks solid, easy to assemble. Got one for my kids. This was ok to assemble. Directions were not the greatest but I figured it out pretty easily. I also used a impact driver to assemble and that sped up the assembly time by a ton. Wish they had torque specs for how tight the screws should be. Its a little wobbly but it did handle max weight fine . I think the spring guard should be attached in a better way but all in all for the price? You cant beat it !
Good quality. My son loves itthe instructions are a little confusing but the pictures help a bit
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