Good Product. My kids love this trampoline! So happy with the purchase. It is very sturdy and the assembly instructions were very helpful. Love the reassurance of safety with the net. Hours of fun and plenty of memories will be made for sure.
I chose this trampoline because I will be taking it down during the winter months and the reviews said that the assembly is easy. It is. All parts come in one heavy box (about 100 pounds), but I have a hand/truck like those you get with a U/Haul rental, so moving it to my assembly location was easy. I assembled this trampoline myself in about two hours and it was NOT difficult. The instructions come in an easy/to/save illustrated booklet which wont fall apart. The main support structure and tubes came with a coating of grease, so wear clothing you dont mind getting dirty. There is also a pair of gloves in the parts kit which I used because, why not? The tool for pulling the springs into position is really handy and perfect for the job; dont lose it. The tool will also come in handy when taking the trampoline down, as I plan to. I was worried that a few of the curved tubes into the T connections were loose when I flipped the structure into its upright position, but once all the springs were in position, all connections were very snug. There are no spares/extra parts for any of the hardware, but its all standard hardware that could be replaced easily if needed. The most time/consuming aspect of the assembly is sliding the safety net over over the padded vertical posts. User tip: Tape the little, black plastic end caps to the vertical tubes so they dont fall of when pulling the safety net sleeves down into position. Be patient, go around and work each sleeve down a little at a time. I also recommend anchoring each of the three base trestles down so the wind wont get a hold of the entire structure. I used 60/pound sandbags laying over each. Very functional.
I got this for my kids primarily, age 3 and 9. My 9 yr old is 411 and 130lbs. I wanted to be sure to have something they could jump on together. Additionally, I wanted something that I, as a 510 240lb mom could jump on with them. This is perfect. Its small enough for the little one, but big enough that we all spend time out there. It was super easy to put together. I was able to do it pretty much alone. My son helped a little.
I had a problem where literally one screw was missing and the customer service was awesome about working with me to make sure I got what I needed. Works great!
Easy set up. Over all quality was above my expectations. Perfect size for a smaller backyard.
Birthday present for a 2 and 4 year old.
Was the hit of the party handling 6 children with no problems
Let me start by saying my husband HATES assembling kids toys, however I didnt hear the first complaint about this one. It took about An hour to assemble and I helped some. The instructions were very easy to follow and pieces were well packaged. Like any trampoline the hardest part was attaching the springs, but the tool they included helped tremendously.
The trampoline seems very sturdy as once we were finished my husband got inside and lightly jumped and played with our daughter. The net will be a lifesaver as she has already fallen into it several times without it budging. Wish we would have had a net option as kids. The net also allows her to keep balls and other toys inside without making a huge mess all over our yard.
When I purchased I thought it may be a little too soon for a big trampoline as my daughter is only 3, however this is the perfect size! It comes with a ladder but even if it didnt she can lay on her belly and shimmy off so I dont worry about her getting hurt trying to climb on or off. The net relieves so many worries while she is on there having fun. It is the perfect addition to our backyard and I look forward to watching her enjoy it. Perfect!!
My 4 6 year old love this so much. It was easy to set up and is very durable. I purchased anchors from as well and they have kept it secure during high winds. I wish the springs were better covered, but that is my only near/negative. Very Sturdy product.
Wasnt bad to assemble. Took a bit over an hour for 2 adults. Everyone says the springs are the worst part. If you are diligent and pay attention it isnt that bad at all yes we like it.
It was a Christmas gift we have 4 kids they are outside all the time its great took my husband a friend to build together maybe half hour its pretty sturdy weve had parties is coming handy it keeps them busy Im extremely satisfied with my purchase Very easy to set up!
Kids Approved! Tons of Fun!
Good Product. My kids love this trampoline! So happy with the purchase. It is very sturdy and the assembly instructions were very helpful. Love the reassurance of safety with the net. Hours of fun and plenty of memories will be made for sure.
Easy to assemble by one person, clear instruction book
I chose this trampoline because I will be taking it down during the winter months and the reviews said that the assembly is easy. It is. All parts come in one heavy box (about 100 pounds), but I have a hand/truck like those you get with a U/Haul rental, so moving it to my assembly location was easy. I assembled this trampoline myself in about two hours and it was NOT difficult. The instructions come in an easy/to/save illustrated booklet which wont fall apart. The main support structure and tubes came with a coating of grease, so wear clothing you dont mind getting dirty. There is also a pair of gloves in the parts kit which I used because, why not? The tool for pulling the springs into position is really handy and perfect for the job; dont lose it. The tool will also come in handy when taking the trampoline down, as I plan to. I was worried that a few of the curved tubes into the T connections were loose when I flipped the structure into its upright position, but once all the springs were in position, all connections were very snug. There are no spares/extra parts for any of the hardware, but its all standard hardware that could be replaced easily if needed. The most time/consuming aspect of the assembly is sliding the safety net over over the padded vertical posts. User tip: Tape the little, black plastic end caps to the vertical tubes so they dont fall of when pulling the safety net sleeves down into position. Be patient, go around and work each sleeve down a little at a time. I also recommend anchoring each of the three base trestles down so the wind wont get a hold of the entire structure. I used 60/pound sandbags laying over each. Very functional.
Great purchase
Perfect. I have two toddlers, they loved it
Perfect for Kids and Adults
I got this for my kids primarily, age 3 and 9. My 9 yr old is 411 and 130lbs. I wanted to be sure to have something they could jump on together. Additionally, I wanted something that I, as a 510 240lb mom could jump on with them. This is perfect. Its small enough for the little one, but big enough that we all spend time out there. It was super easy to put together. I was able to do it pretty much alone. My son helped a little. I had a problem where literally one screw was missing and the customer service was awesome about working with me to make sure I got what I needed. Works great!
Easy set up. Over all quality was above my expectations. Perfect size for a smaller backyard. Birthday present for a 2 and 4 year old. Was the hit of the party handling 6 children with no problems
Perfect for our kiddo and easy to set up
Let me start by saying my husband HATES assembling kids toys, however I didnt hear the first complaint about this one. It took about An hour to assemble and I helped some. The instructions were very easy to follow and pieces were well packaged. Like any trampoline the hardest part was attaching the springs, but the tool they included helped tremendously. The trampoline seems very sturdy as once we were finished my husband got inside and lightly jumped and played with our daughter. The net will be a lifesaver as she has already fallen into it several times without it budging. Wish we would have had a net option as kids. The net also allows her to keep balls and other toys inside without making a huge mess all over our yard. When I purchased I thought it may be a little too soon for a big trampoline as my daughter is only 3, however this is the perfect size! It comes with a ladder but even if it didnt she can lay on her belly and shimmy off so I dont worry about her getting hurt trying to climb on or off. The net relieves so many worries while she is on there having fun. It is the perfect addition to our backyard and I look forward to watching her enjoy it. Perfect!!
Cute. Just what I like
Love it!
My 4 6 year old love this so much. It was easy to set up and is very durable. I purchased anchors from as well and they have kept it secure during high winds. I wish the springs were better covered, but that is my only near/negative. Very Sturdy product.
Kids Love It
Wasnt bad to assemble. Took a bit over an hour for 2 adults. Everyone says the springs are the worst part. If you are diligent and pay attention it isnt that bad at all yes we like it.
Christmas gift
It was a Christmas gift we have 4 kids they are outside all the time its great took my husband a friend to build together maybe half hour its pretty sturdy weve had parties is coming handy it keeps them busy Im extremely satisfied with my purchase Very easy to set up!
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