It has no smell, easy to assemble. Very sturdy even my husband who weighs 200 was able to use it. My kids love it too. Love that it came with several workouts suggestions. Easy to put away and even easy to carry that even my 3 year old carries it/ rolls it away to a different spot.
I ordered this for my special education classroom since my students LOVE jumping on a trampoline and we needed a second one! It arrived quickly, was easy to assemble, feels sturdy, and was the perfect size! My kids are really excited to use it!
I like the sturdiness of this trampoline. At first I was intimidated about unfolding and assembling this, because Ive never done this before. I read the directions, then watched the video. It was easy to put together.
The hardest part about assembly was getting the rubber caps off in order to install the legs. I used a pair of pliers to loosen the rubber caps, then they were easy to unscrew.
Im looking forward to jumping on it! It feels very sturdy but has a nice firm bounce.
The trampoline arrived quickly and did not take long to assemble. So far it seems pretty sturdy and its not loud which I really like. I havent had a need to fold it for storage so I cant comment of that feature.
This trampoline was priced great. I purchase it to use with my PE classes. I add it in to my obstacle courses with the kids and I have had great success with it. The structure is sturdy and it is holding up to kids rotating on it and using the item responsibly.
I bought this trampoline to be able to work out on it is totally awesome and fun and it is sturdier than you would think, thanks again for supplying this incredible product
I like this trampoline. I ordered it because of the price. Others can be much more expensive. Based on the information that I have researched online, jumping on a trampoline for 10 minutes is equivalent to running for 30 minutes or jogging for 1 mile. This is a fun form of exercise to me. I was feeling so tired and just wanted to sleep after a long day. I decided to jump on the trampoline for 20 minutes. I felt so energized afterward. I highly recommend this trampoline. Stretch your legs for about 1 minute before using to avoid extreme soreness afterward.
I like that this trampoline is compact and very easy to assemble. It is perfect for indoor workouts! The price is very affordable for such a nice product. No need to spend more money. I am very satisfied!
Not heavy
It has no smell, easy to assemble. Very sturdy even my husband who weighs 200 was able to use it. My kids love it too. Love that it came with several workouts suggestions. Easy to put away and even easy to carry that even my 3 year old carries it/ rolls it away to a different spot.
Easier to assemble than it looked!
I ordered this for my special education classroom since my students LOVE jumping on a trampoline and we needed a second one! It arrived quickly, was easy to assemble, feels sturdy, and was the perfect size! My kids are really excited to use it!
Read the directions, then watch the video on re: how to put it together.
I like the sturdiness of this trampoline. At first I was intimidated about unfolding and assembling this, because Ive never done this before. I read the directions, then watched the video. It was easy to put together. The hardest part about assembly was getting the rubber caps off in order to install the legs. I used a pair of pliers to loosen the rubber caps, then they were easy to unscrew. Im looking forward to jumping on it! It feels very sturdy but has a nice firm bounce.
Great trampoline
Great trampoline to do bounce classes with. Easy to assemble and sturdy.
Great tool for fitness. The perfect size.
This product is easy to use. Its easy to store and it provides the opportunity for optimum fitness.
Just what I wanted
The trampoline arrived quickly and did not take long to assemble. So far it seems pretty sturdy and its not loud which I really like. I havent had a need to fold it for storage so I cant comment of that feature.
Great trampoline and sturdy for use with kids
This trampoline was priced great. I purchase it to use with my PE classes. I add it in to my obstacle courses with the kids and I have had great success with it. The structure is sturdy and it is holding up to kids rotating on it and using the item responsibly.
The trampoline is really sturdy
I bought this trampoline to be able to work out on it is totally awesome and fun and it is sturdier than you would think, thanks again for supplying this incredible product
Great Form of Exercise
I like this trampoline. I ordered it because of the price. Others can be much more expensive. Based on the information that I have researched online, jumping on a trampoline for 10 minutes is equivalent to running for 30 minutes or jogging for 1 mile. This is a fun form of exercise to me. I was feeling so tired and just wanted to sleep after a long day. I decided to jump on the trampoline for 20 minutes. I felt so energized afterward. I highly recommend this trampoline. Stretch your legs for about 1 minute before using to avoid extreme soreness afterward.
Great Price
I like that this trampoline is compact and very easy to assemble. It is perfect for indoor workouts! The price is very affordable for such a nice product. No need to spend more money. I am very satisfied!
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