This is a sturdy and quality shelf for the price! I easily assembled it myself. Just make sure to pay attention to the instructions and dont screw the frame too tightly, or you cant slide the shelves into place. My only wish is that it was set up for safety straps as the shelf is very heavy, and could hurt a small child if it fell over. works great.
This was easy to assemble. Looks beautiful and can hold a lot. I currently have 2 10 gallon fish tanks on it.
You cant even tell. After it was assembled my daughter wanted to lay on it and it held her. So happy with this My daughter love it!!!
Fantastic looking table!
The look and value of this table was a home run! Cute.
Aming product for the price. Looks Good Too!
Aming product for the price. Looks Good Too! He loves it.
Great It was easy.
Great Quality for the Price
This is a sturdy and quality shelf for the price! I easily assembled it myself. Just make sure to pay attention to the instructions and dont screw the frame too tightly, or you cant slide the shelves into place. My only wish is that it was set up for safety straps as the shelf is very heavy, and could hurt a small child if it fell over. works great.
Excellent and strong table
This was easy to assemble. Looks beautiful and can hold a lot. I currently have 2 10 gallon fish tanks on it. You cant even tell. After it was assembled my daughter wanted to lay on it and it held her. So happy with this My daughter love it!!!
Great TV table
The table was easy to assemble and looks great. I use it to hold a tv and collectibles. I would recommend to a friend. Love it.
Superior quality
This was exactly what I needed. It arrived promptly and was easy to assemble. Save some money and buy this.
Solid sturdy console table.
I use this in my home office. Very sturdy and lots of shelf space. Expected.
Quality product
Stable and looks classy enough. Assembling.
Just the job!
Robust, well made, easy to assemble and just the look we were after. Good deal and was easy to put together.
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