This table is beautiful plus easy to assemble! Super sturdy as well and definitely a great value for the money. Im very happy I decided to purchase it and would do it again! cute.
I desperately needed something for all my cookbooks. My husband was going to build shelves, but since were moving that didnt make much sense. This bookshelf solved all issues. Its extremely well made. It was very easy to put together and beautiful! Highly recommend! Yes, Its great. loves it.
It took me a while to fine a console table for my entryway. I was going for that reclaimed wood look and this came pretty close. This console table was also very easy to assemble and very sturdy. Beautiful and Sturdy.
For the price, this is a great piece of furniture, easy to assemble, it looks great. Would not hesitate to buy another piece! As described would buy again.
the metal legs arrived dented but before returning the product I wrote to the customer service and they sent me the damaged parts, excellent customer service, and the table was very good It works.
You need this table!
This table is beautiful plus easy to assemble! Super sturdy as well and definitely a great value for the money. Im very happy I decided to purchase it and would do it again! cute.
Great quality and nice looking table
Very sturdy, good looking piece of furniture AWESOME!!
I desperately needed something for all my cookbooks. My husband was going to build shelves, but since were moving that didnt make much sense. This bookshelf solved all issues. Its extremely well made. It was very easy to put together and beautiful! Highly recommend! Yes, Its great. loves it.
Looks good!
Great purchase Amazing.
Great TV stand
This is a wonderful TV stand for my large flat screen. The wood for the shelf part is really nice. Like!
Nice console table
It took me a while to fine a console table for my entryway. I was going for that reclaimed wood look and this came pretty close. This console table was also very easy to assemble and very sturdy. Beautiful and Sturdy.
Love it
Loved this table in the picture and it didnt disappoint Amazing product.
Great looking piece!
For the price, this is a great piece of furniture, easy to assemble, it looks great. Would not hesitate to buy another piece! As described would buy again.
Excellent Customer Service
the metal legs arrived dented but before returning the product I wrote to the customer service and they sent me the damaged parts, excellent customer service, and the table was very good It works.
Easy to assemble. Very pretty! Works well.
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