Well made, easy to assemble and useful. Not quite as sturdy as I hoped but you can anchor to the wall with included brackets to sturdy it up if you want. Lots of play space under it. Daughter is excited
Smaller than I expected. The holes arent clearly marked too well on the instruction (specifically for the ladder). Make sure to triple check that your holes on each match up or youre going to be disassembling the entire bed. Other than that super easy to put together!
Pretty sturdy. Good size. The bed is nice and sturdy but plan for wall attachment if at all possible.
Instructions and part labels were very good. The packaging was a mess. The scratched parts were all front facing in my case.
I cordless driver and socket driver to assemble. I would suggest checking each screw when completed and again after its been used a few times. With everything hand tightened there is no squeaking and minimal movement. Obviously anything over tightened and stripped will be a big problem.
I was able to assemble solo only against a wall where I was able to hang a rail on the wall. A second person is really needed for about 10 minutes of the assembly.
Good small boy buy
Super. Easy to assemble, sturdy, good quality and a good price. My younger boys have a good time on it.
excellent for visits
Very pleased! Very good buy
It seems ok
Well made, easy to assemble and useful. Not quite as sturdy as I hoped but you can anchor to the wall with included brackets to sturdy it up if you want. Lots of play space under it. Daughter is excited
The best purchase I ever made
Solid and basic. This bed frame is good enough for one person, very sturdy also my cat loves to climb on it!
Watch for the holes when assembling
Smaller than I expected. The holes arent clearly marked too well on the instruction (specifically for the ladder). Make sure to triple check that your holes on each match up or youre going to be disassembling the entire bed. Other than that super easy to put together!
Great option for shared bedroom
Nice well made. Fits a full size bed under, longwise without the or shelf attached
Son was able to assemble solo
Quality products. So far so good
Very good size and sturdy
Nice product. It can hold a good amount of weight and its very sturdy. It does shake a bit if you move around to quick.
Good product that seems difficult to ship intact
Pretty sturdy. Good size. The bed is nice and sturdy but plan for wall attachment if at all possible. Instructions and part labels were very good. The packaging was a mess. The scratched parts were all front facing in my case. I cordless driver and socket driver to assemble. I would suggest checking each screw when completed and again after its been used a few times. With everything hand tightened there is no squeaking and minimal movement. Obviously anything over tightened and stripped will be a big problem. I was able to assemble solo only against a wall where I was able to hang a rail on the wall. A second person is really needed for about 10 minutes of the assembly.
Great product very sturdy
Really Worth it Easy Assembly use and guest room under bunkbeds
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