After final assembly this bed is very cute and very sturdy seeming. It came with enough parts to assemble and aside from a minor scratch or two the wood was in good condition. This took two of us the better part of 6 or 7 hours to assemble. That said, it's worth it. I couldn't find a similar style of bunk bed anywhere at my local furniture stores (both big name and mom/pop) and I knew I really wanted the stairs. I grew up with the traditional ladder bunk and as our youngest would make me nervous with a ladder. This bed is sturdy and far more well made than my childhood bunks, the slats under the top bunk mattress are reinforced with an extra bar and the railing is also very sturdy. This bed is colossal and takes up a pretty decent amount of space, but it allowed us to get rid of dressers due to the massive amount of storage space provided in the drawers. Please note that the bottom drawers under the bed are not on tracks, these just have casters that easily roll on our patterned Berber carper. My biggest concern for this bed is how the drawers hold up over time as kids are very hard on furniture anyways and I have already seen them standing in the drawers.
The amount of garbage that this is packed in is ridiculous, be prepared for three garbage bags stuffed full of bags and Styrofoam and a massive stack of cardboard. While I'm grateful it arrived undamaged it's kinda of obscene how much trash there was.
It took my husband a few days to put the bed together (he only worked a couple hours per day). In the end, the bed looked really nice. Like the other reviews mentioned, it takes a while to put together. My girls love it and I would recommend.
Bed was a lot easier to set up then originally thought. I built it by myself with no help in about 2 hours. The steps took the most time. Everything feels sturdy. I really like that the top bunk came with a bar right down the middle to really secure it well. Overall I'm very pleased and the only issue we ran into was that 2 of the boards had white grain marks that were very noticeable and not pleasing so we just used them on the back side of the top bunk and turned them to face the wall.
This is an awesome bed. I purchased the bunk bed one because didn’t have the loft only. I just didn’t install the bottom bunk and it’s perfect. Very well built. Very sturdy. But be prepared to spend a few hours putting it together. The stairs took a while also. But it’s awesome. Much higher weight capacity than 99 percent of the loft beds out there. Trust me. Worth the money.
Love these bunk beds! Very sturdy. Bed was easy to put together, stairs were a little trickier. Well worth it though. Perfect for our littles (4 year old and 18 months). Adults can safely go on the top bunk as well.
Gorgeous bunk bed!
After final assembly this bed is very cute and very sturdy seeming. It came with enough parts to assemble and aside from a minor scratch or two the wood was in good condition. This took two of us the better part of 6 or 7 hours to assemble. That said, it's worth it. I couldn't find a similar style of bunk bed anywhere at my local furniture stores (both big name and mom/pop) and I knew I really wanted the stairs. I grew up with the traditional ladder bunk and as our youngest would make me nervous with a ladder. This bed is sturdy and far more well made than my childhood bunks, the slats under the top bunk mattress are reinforced with an extra bar and the railing is also very sturdy. This bed is colossal and takes up a pretty decent amount of space, but it allowed us to get rid of dressers due to the massive amount of storage space provided in the drawers. Please note that the bottom drawers under the bed are not on tracks, these just have casters that easily roll on our patterned Berber carper. My biggest concern for this bed is how the drawers hold up over time as kids are very hard on furniture anyways and I have already seen them standing in the drawers. The amount of garbage that this is packed in is ridiculous, be prepared for three garbage bags stuffed full of bags and Styrofoam and a massive stack of cardboard. While I'm grateful it arrived undamaged it's kinda of obscene how much trash there was.
Nice looking, very sturdy!
A couple of the holes for the bolts didn't line up well, but we were able to make it work.
Kids love it
Sturdy and cute
It took my husband a few days to put the bed together (he only worked a couple hours per day). In the end, the bed looked really nice. Like the other reviews mentioned, it takes a while to put together. My girls love it and I would recommend.
Really love this bed set took all day and night but ...
Really love this bed set took all day and night but we'll worth it very solid!!! Great my kids love it too
Perfect in every way. It was easy to assemble although not a quick process.
Very happy
Bed was a lot easier to set up then originally thought. I built it by myself with no help in about 2 hours. The steps took the most time. Everything feels sturdy. I really like that the top bunk came with a bar right down the middle to really secure it well. Overall I'm very pleased and the only issue we ran into was that 2 of the boards had white grain marks that were very noticeable and not pleasing so we just used them on the back side of the top bunk and turned them to face the wall.
Good quality for an affordable price
I bought this bed for my 4 year old daughter and she loves it! I am pleased with the quality of the wood and the color.
Built very well
This is an awesome bed. I purchased the bunk bed one because didn’t have the loft only. I just didn’t install the bottom bunk and it’s perfect. Very well built. Very sturdy. But be prepared to spend a few hours putting it together. The stairs took a while also. But it’s awesome. Much higher weight capacity than 99 percent of the loft beds out there. Trust me. Worth the money.
Love this bed!
Love these bunk beds! Very sturdy. Bed was easy to put together, stairs were a little trickier. Well worth it though. Perfect for our littles (4 year old and 18 months). Adults can safely go on the top bunk as well.
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