Honestly I was a little disappointed with this bed frame. First off it doesnt have raised edges to keep the mattress from sliding around, but that hasnt seemed to be a problem as I have not had to move it back in. Also another disappointment is it is not that far off of the ground, that can be a pro or a con depending how you look at it, but I had to order some risers. The tools that they give you are kind of a joke and I could see there being issues if people rely on them.
Its a really sturdy bed and have had no issues with squeaking or sagging in the bed at all and I dont see it being an issue with 9 legs supporting all areas under the bed. Good Product.
This frame is sturdy and has no squeaks. It was easy to assemble and also was quick to assemble. I am able to store boxes the size of a laundry basket underneath, so the storage space it created is great. Easy set up.
Wow, this was super easy to put together. Most of the frame pieces are already hinged, so you just unfold them (7pcs) and bolt em together, then drop in the bars. Even came with extra bolts, just in case. Super sturdy, with lots of space underneath. The legs have plastic on the end to prevent scratches, but I added felt just to be safe. Cute.
Seems sturdy enough but the corners are sharp and the king size bed is slightly smaller than the grime, so these corners stick out. Also, we had to put a golf club sock over the center leg to avoid stubbed toes.
Delivery was excellent and the product came in good shape. Does the job.
Took awhile to put together only to find out the holes were not aligned. The manufacturer assembled the pieces backwards. So there was no way to assemble it. Had to take it apart and box it back up to return. What a waste of time. And Im pregnant, making this return very inconvenient.
The middle bars bow out on my husbands side. He is a sturdy 300lbs. He doesnt flop onto the bed but the hardwood floors arent helping keep it from sliding when he lays on it. Afraid it might break. Looking for a new frame. Good for its value.
Honestly I was a little disappointed with this bed frame. First off it doesnt have raised edges to keep the mattress from sliding around, but that hasnt seemed to be a problem as I have not had to move it back in. Also another disappointment is it is not that far off of the ground, that can be a pro or a con depending how you look at it, but I had to order some risers. The tools that they give you are kind of a joke and I could see there being issues if people rely on them. Its a really sturdy bed and have had no issues with squeaking or sagging in the bed at all and I dont see it being an issue with 9 legs supporting all areas under the bed. Good Product.
Solid frame
It was a good solid frame, unfortunately I returned it because I wanted a headboard and this was a frame. Perfect.
Great Purchase
This frame is sturdy and has no squeaks. It was easy to assemble and also was quick to assemble. I am able to store boxes the size of a laundry basket underneath, so the storage space it created is great. Easy set up.
Easy to assemble!
Wow, this was super easy to put together. Most of the frame pieces are already hinged, so you just unfold them (7pcs) and bolt em together, then drop in the bars. Even came with extra bolts, just in case. Super sturdy, with lots of space underneath. The legs have plastic on the end to prevent scratches, but I added felt just to be safe. Cute.
Love it
Very easy to assemble and very sturdy He loves it.
Lovin my new bed frame
New mattress , no box spring needed, tons of storage underneath the bed frame, and I dont need a headboard It was easy.
Would choose a different frame next time
Seems sturdy enough but the corners are sharp and the king size bed is slightly smaller than the grime, so these corners stick out. Also, we had to put a golf club sock over the center leg to avoid stubbed toes. Delivery was excellent and the product came in good shape. Does the job.
Manufacturing default:Pieces were not assembled correctly in order for proper assembly at home
Took awhile to put together only to find out the holes were not aligned. The manufacturer assembled the pieces backwards. So there was no way to assemble it. Had to take it apart and box it back up to return. What a waste of time. And Im pregnant, making this return very inconvenient.
not for the 250lb+ crowd
The middle bars bow out on my husbands side. He is a sturdy 300lbs. He doesnt flop onto the bed but the hardwood floors arent helping keep it from sliding when he lays on it. Afraid it might break. Looking for a new frame. Good for its value.
Poor design, all stub toe walking around the bed, difficult to attach head board Not easy to put together.
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