Omg I cant believe how sturdy this was. Very nice. I was worried based on some comments. But I was pleasantly surprised how nice and sturdy it was. Not so bad.
I have had this for a few months now. Does not move or squeak. One of the holes was drilled a little off so it is missing one bolt in the headboard. But it is super sturdy and doesnt squeak at all. My son loves it!!
Aside from one minor issue assembling which required bending the headboard into shape when mounting it, its been a great, solid bed frame. Very well made.
Absolutely love this bedframe. It was very easy to setup. Connecting the middle beam to the headboard required a little more effort as it was not lined up exactly for a smooth connection. But beyond that, it was pretty easy. Light to move around the room and a lot of space underneath. I was worried it would not be as high as my previous sleighbed with box spring, but it did sit at optimal level. So glad I made this switch, I gained a bunch of space getting rid of that box spring. Sturdy bars do not creak, nor does the bed slide. Very happy customer. This item is good! Satisfied.
Great deal
I baught for my daughter who loved it Really Worth it
Very sturdy. Nice bed.
Omg I cant believe how sturdy this was. Very nice. I was worried based on some comments. But I was pleasantly surprised how nice and sturdy it was. Not so bad.
Best Buy In a Long Time
I have had this for a few months now. Does not move or squeak. One of the holes was drilled a little off so it is missing one bolt in the headboard. But it is super sturdy and doesnt squeak at all. My son loves it!!
Good bed but might require two people for assembly
Aside from one minor issue assembling which required bending the headboard into shape when mounting it, its been a great, solid bed frame. Very well made.
Good product for the money Overall good.
Optimal height after replacing a Sleighbed w/boxspring.
Absolutely love this bedframe. It was very easy to setup. Connecting the middle beam to the headboard required a little more effort as it was not lined up exactly for a smooth connection. But beyond that, it was pretty easy. Light to move around the room and a lot of space underneath. I was worried it would not be as high as my previous sleighbed with box spring, but it did sit at optimal level. So glad I made this switch, I gained a bunch of space getting rid of that box spring. Sturdy bars do not creak, nor does the bed slide. Very happy customer. This item is good! Satisfied.
Sturdy bed frame and easy to build. Awesome customer service and I would definitely buy any other item from this person. Well made and packaged.
Its really looks like it cost more.
Very easy to assemble and very sturdy. Worth the money. Good quality.
Good but
One single part wont fit But seller was very helpful Value for money.
Great learning experience
With minimal supervision, my 14 year old grandson built this himself. Great experience and satisfaction of job accomplished. Great!
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