Product was easy to assemble but after having it for less than 6 months its bars have bent underneath. My 2 toddlers sleep on this bed and it still bent. I wish I could return it. I had such high expectations and thought the reviews were just a bad few, unfortunately not.
Have you ever put together something and realized the instructions were poorly written and written by someone who spoke English very poorly? Have you ever been disappointed with the instructions and also found out that you dont have enough screws or the screw holes were poorly drilled? I have but the instructions for this bed are excellent. They include a couple extra bags labeled, Extra Parts. I was very impressed with the was the parts were cut and how they fit together. I was able to put this bed together by myself. It is painted well and packaged so the parts and pieces do not get scratched. I recommend this bed. I purchased it with a coupon for about 136.
Despite the mixed reviews this frame did not disappoint. The instructions are easy to follow and does require at least an hour to two to assemble with help. The frame it self beautiful as far as its sturdiness I believe it holds well if you tighten it correct leaving no crooked screws. I was impressed with it and would rate it 10/10
Very clean
Made well!
My daughter loves it. She put it together with her dad.
Another review, same outcome.
Product was easy to assemble but after having it for less than 6 months its bars have bent underneath. My 2 toddlers sleep on this bed and it still bent. I wish I could return it. I had such high expectations and thought the reviews were just a bad few, unfortunately not.
This Bed Deserves More Than 5 Stars
Have you ever put together something and realized the instructions were poorly written and written by someone who spoke English very poorly? Have you ever been disappointed with the instructions and also found out that you dont have enough screws or the screw holes were poorly drilled? I have but the instructions for this bed are excellent. They include a couple extra bags labeled, Extra Parts. I was very impressed with the was the parts were cut and how they fit together. I was able to put this bed together by myself. It is painted well and packaged so the parts and pieces do not get scratched. I recommend this bed. I purchased it with a coupon for about 136.
Broke quickly.
Broke after a month and a half.
I would recommend
Nice bed, seems very sturdy!
Gorgeous frame, a bit cheap
Bedframe is very beautful but creaks an awful lot and the frame has already bent
Strong frame
Very strong love it !
Super cute and easy to assemble
Very easy to assemble for one person, also super nice for the price
Great value for cost!
Despite the mixed reviews this frame did not disappoint. The instructions are easy to follow and does require at least an hour to two to assemble with help. The frame it self beautiful as far as its sturdiness I believe it holds well if you tighten it correct leaving no crooked screws. I was impressed with it and would rate it 10/10
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