My toddler son and I love everything about this bed frame! The ladder is very sturdy and the side rails are a great height to prevent my son from rolling off of the bed.
Good buy. I had to pay extra to ship to Alaska. Only had a few dings and dents by the the it got here. I put it together by myself. It took about 4.5 hours with a few breaks in between. Easy assembly/directions. Pretty sturdy. There was one slat15 on the end that seemed to be cut slightly to short so I couldnt screw both sides in. I improvised. Perfect height for a 5 year old. I did read some reviews that said not to tighten your bolts to tight or the wood could split easily. I did just that and had no issues. Would buy again.
Bought two of these beds. 1 bed was perfect. The other one, not so much.4 bowed, can push in and out.16 wood split and hole was not deep enough for the bolt. By the time you figure all this out, you are too far along in the process. There were actually differences between the good and bad bed wood pieces.6 part of the good bed was grey and in 3 pieces, the bad was reg wood and one solid piece. The bad11 drill holes were off and slats were cut too short, had to screw some in at an angle . The good one seems solid. If you order this bed, make sure you ask for a good one (lol).
The bed was easy to assemble but certain parts or pieces were either too big or too small so I had to make due with what I had. Other then that its a nice bed for your kid especially when you had led lights underneath!
We love the bed! Easy to assemble and looks great. My 3.5 year old loves it. It says 6 and up but it is very appropriate for him and the rails are high enough I have no fear of him falling out. He has a smaller room so I love the extra space for his stuff.
We are pleased with the bed. It was relatively easy to put together. Only difficulty was the screws that had to go into a sideways screw. It took a few tries to get them to line up. I put it together in about 2.5 hours. Its sturdy and my son loves it. I thought it would be higher giving him space to hang out underneath, but its kinda low so if hes going under there he has to sit in the floor. Overall were happy with it.
I purchased this bed for my 7 year-old daughter. The bed went together easily but definitely takes two people. The result is super cute and very sturdy! The only downside I have found is, it has a very unusual smell. I dont know if it is the paint they used or the clear coat, but the smell is overwhelming. I thought it might dissipate once out of the box and assembled. The bed has been up for a week and the smell is still super strong. I have tried to wipe it down with a towel in warm soapy water. Hopefully over time it will go away.
I love this bed!! Its perfect! Well made and sturdy! So easy to put together the directions are very clear and Im super satisfied with my purchase.. would deff. Reccommend
This bed was ordered for my 14 year old daughter. We all love it. It was packaged really well. No damage or chips in paint. Went together nicely and everything screws down including the slats! Very sturdy. Her full sized mattress fit perfectly. We chose not to put the side rail and ladder on the side because she wanted it off. Still sturdy. Perfect for storage underneath which is why we ordered it. Her room looks like a dorm room room now.
Great bed frame!
My toddler son and I love everything about this bed frame! The ladder is very sturdy and the side rails are a great height to prevent my son from rolling off of the bed.
Good buy!
Good buy. I had to pay extra to ship to Alaska. Only had a few dings and dents by the the it got here. I put it together by myself. It took about 4.5 hours with a few breaks in between. Easy assembly/directions. Pretty sturdy. There was one slat15 on the end that seemed to be cut slightly to short so I couldnt screw both sides in. I improvised. Perfect height for a 5 year old. I did read some reviews that said not to tighten your bolts to tight or the wood could split easily. I did just that and had no issues. Would buy again.
Quality Control missing the mark
Bought two of these beds. 1 bed was perfect. The other one, not so much.4 bowed, can push in and out.16 wood split and hole was not deep enough for the bolt. By the time you figure all this out, you are too far along in the process. There were actually differences between the good and bad bed wood pieces.6 part of the good bed was grey and in 3 pieces, the bad was reg wood and one solid piece. The bad11 drill holes were off and slats were cut too short, had to screw some in at an angle . The good one seems solid. If you order this bed, make sure you ask for a good one (lol).
Nice bed for kid
The bed was easy to assemble but certain parts or pieces were either too big or too small so I had to make due with what I had. Other then that its a nice bed for your kid especially when you had led lights underneath!
Love this bed for my son!
We love the bed! Easy to assemble and looks great. My 3.5 year old loves it. It says 6 and up but it is very appropriate for him and the rails are high enough I have no fear of him falling out. He has a smaller room so I love the extra space for his stuff.
My son loves his bed
We are pleased with the bed. It was relatively easy to put together. Only difficulty was the screws that had to go into a sideways screw. It took a few tries to get them to line up. I put it together in about 2.5 hours. Its sturdy and my son loves it. I thought it would be higher giving him space to hang out underneath, but its kinda low so if hes going under there he has to sit in the floor. Overall were happy with it.
Cute bed but super weird smell
I purchased this bed for my 7 year-old daughter. The bed went together easily but definitely takes two people. The result is super cute and very sturdy! The only downside I have found is, it has a very unusual smell. I dont know if it is the paint they used or the clear coat, but the smell is overwhelming. I thought it might dissipate once out of the box and assembled. The bed has been up for a week and the smell is still super strong. I have tried to wipe it down with a towel in warm soapy water. Hopefully over time it will go away.
Great bed for the price
This bed is easy to put together. Low enough that it works for almost any age. Took about an hour to assemble by myself. Great for underneath storage.
So glad I boughtvthis
I love this bed!! Its perfect! Well made and sturdy! So easy to put together the directions are very clear and Im super satisfied with my purchase.. would deff. Reccommend
Very happy. Exactly what we wanted.
This bed was ordered for my 14 year old daughter. We all love it. It was packaged really well. No damage or chips in paint. Went together nicely and everything screws down including the slats! Very sturdy. Her full sized mattress fit perfectly. We chose not to put the side rail and ladder on the side because she wanted it off. Still sturdy. Perfect for storage underneath which is why we ordered it. Her room looks like a dorm room room now.
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