Not sturdy at all very shaky at the top. I purchased this for my 3 year old. The ladder is sturdy. But this bed had split in several places less than a year of purchase. Very dissatisfied. I feel its unsafe. Will replace with a bed from rooms to go.
Its a great bed for a kid, we were h pieces but had different prices so we were able to make it work. I paid 149 for this bed and days later it was listed for almost $300
I will keep it simple and to the point... the bed is great quality. Sturdy once put together. It took about 2 1/2 hours and I put it together on my own. The most frustrating thing is getting to one screw that simply does not line up no matter what you do. Other than that, the bed is great. There is a great amount of storage space underneath and enough room for my 7 year old to play comfortably. I would recommend this bed.
My 4 year old granddaughter loves this bed. Everytimei see her, she tells me that she loves her big girl bed. The only pr8 she had with it is she hab to get used to climbing up and down the ladder
This bed was somewhat difficult to assemble like many products. Definitely would help to have a second person available when attaching the end pieces to the side rails. A big tip would be to use power tools to save some time. The slats for the mattress did not fit right and it was difficult to screw them into the wood. I missed a couple times and even got to close to the edge breaking a small chunk of wood off. I thought it was going to be a little taller from the floor to the bottom of the bed and I wasnt able to put my 13 year old sons low profile futon underneath as I had intended to do for a place to sit and play video games with friends. Overall I like it!!!
Poorly made.
Not sturdy at all very shaky at the top. I purchased this for my 3 year old. The ladder is sturdy. But this bed had split in several places less than a year of purchase. Very dissatisfied. I feel its unsafe. Will replace with a bed from rooms to go.
Overall highly stratified
Great quality
A great bed for a kid, we were missing some pieces and had extra pieces
Its a great bed for a kid, we were h pieces but had different prices so we were able to make it work. I paid 149 for this bed and days later it was listed for almost $300
Sturdy, cute, space saving
I got the used one that was for sale and there were a few marks ans gouges, but overall nothing I couldnt hide! For the price I was a good deal.
That one screw!!
I will keep it simple and to the point... the bed is great quality. Sturdy once put together. It took about 2 1/2 hours and I put it together on my own. The most frustrating thing is getting to one screw that simply does not line up no matter what you do. Other than that, the bed is great. There is a great amount of storage space underneath and enough room for my 7 year old to play comfortably. I would recommend this bed.
She loves it
Could be more sturdy
1 very happpy granddaughter
My 4 year old granddaughter loves this bed. Everytimei see her, she tells me that she loves her big girl bed. The only pr8 she had with it is she hab to get used to climbing up and down the ladder
Not to tall
My 6 year old loves it.
Pretty nice
This bed was somewhat difficult to assemble like many products. Definitely would help to have a second person available when attaching the end pieces to the side rails. A big tip would be to use power tools to save some time. The slats for the mattress did not fit right and it was difficult to screw them into the wood. I missed a couple times and even got to close to the edge breaking a small chunk of wood off. I thought it was going to be a little taller from the floor to the bottom of the bed and I wasnt able to put my 13 year old sons low profile futon underneath as I had intended to do for a place to sit and play video games with friends. Overall I like it!!!
Worth the money !
I used this product for my daughters room, it was easy to assemble and well worth the money ! I love it and it gives her room more space .
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