I purchased this trampoline for my sons 7 year birthday. He absolutely loves it. Its sturdy and safe. But the delivery took a little longer than it should of. It was like 5 days later then expected.
But overall everything is great. Very easy to set up!
I purchased the 12 ft option and had no issues so far. Easy to assemble with at least one other adult, a decent size for a small family, and launches us in the air very well. I assume they use the same hardware bags between different sizes. I had many extra pieces left at the end of the assembly. This was a great purchase for my daughters birthday! Really good.
Buying this trampoline worked out great. The kids are happy. Assembling was easy, instructions were clear. It is sturdy which is the most important thing. Very pleased!
Was very disappointed this product on the 8ft didnt say it didnt come with leg extensions which makes it very short to the ground. I did contact seller and they are making it right with me. My advice get a 10ft or bigger. Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
My kids,12 and 8 year olds, love the trampoline! It is sturdy and all of us fit on it perfectly and can jump at the same time. I had two friends help me assemble it and it took about 2 hours for them which I thought was a little too long even though they have done it before so I think I it was a little hard. I would have never been able to do it alone. But now that it is assembled, we love the trampoline! Solid and basic.
This trampoline is not sturdy or durable, and of course, I am three days past my return window due to my work schedule (military) and being in the field. Very disappointed.
UPDATE: I am changing my rating because I have great respect for the supplier as they reached out to me to address my concerns and to assist with fixing the problem. Smaller than I expected.
Seems like a very sturdy trampoline. Very easy to put together, but the directions at end are a bit confusing. Look at pictures from for steps. Quality products.
Love it!
Easy set up! Perfect size for my 5 and 8 year old. yes we like it.
Great purchase
I purchased this trampoline for my sons 7 year birthday. He absolutely loves it. Its sturdy and safe. But the delivery took a little longer than it should of. It was like 5 days later then expected. But overall everything is great. Very easy to set up!
Great trampoline
I purchased the 12 ft option and had no issues so far. Easy to assemble with at least one other adult, a decent size for a small family, and launches us in the air very well. I assume they use the same hardware bags between different sizes. I had many extra pieces left at the end of the assembly. This was a great purchase for my daughters birthday! Really good.
Great trampoline for the price
Never had a trampoline before so unable to really do a comparison but seemed easy to setup and of good quality. Works great!
Sturdy trampoline
Buying this trampoline worked out great. The kids are happy. Assembling was easy, instructions were clear. It is sturdy which is the most important thing. Very pleased!
Was very disappointed this product on the 8ft didnt say it didnt come with leg extensions which makes it very short to the ground. I did contact seller and they are making it right with me. My advice get a 10ft or bigger. Well made, easy to assemble and useful.
Great trampoline!
My kids,12 and 8 year olds, love the trampoline! It is sturdy and all of us fit on it perfectly and can jump at the same time. I had two friends help me assemble it and it took about 2 hours for them which I thought was a little too long even though they have done it before so I think I it was a little hard. I would have never been able to do it alone. But now that it is assembled, we love the trampoline! Solid and basic.
UPDATE: Trampoline failure
This trampoline is not sturdy or durable, and of course, I am three days past my return window due to my work schedule (military) and being in the field. Very disappointed. UPDATE: I am changing my rating because I have great respect for the supplier as they reached out to me to address my concerns and to assist with fixing the problem. Smaller than I expected.
Good valueb
Seems like a very sturdy trampoline. Very easy to put together, but the directions at end are a bit confusing. Look at pictures from for steps. Quality products.
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