The picture instructions for assembly should have been accompanied by a written set. Some pictures did not give enough detail to clearly determine the piece being assembled.
It looks great and serves it purpose. Took about an hour to assemble. Though I may not have tighten it enough. Am not sure, I really dont want to disassemble and put back together again. It swicks a little when you. You know. Hope that helps .
Bought this bed for my 16yr old. She absolutely loves it. It didnt take that long to assemble. It is very sturdy. Just follow directions. Daughter is very happy. No noise when she moves around. It is a very good buy.
Very pleased with the ease of assembly, quality of the product, and sturdiness. Upon very close examination you can tell that it is not the same quality as something from a luxury furniture store but its stable and looks nice. I would hesitate to buy this product again.
This was very easy to put together in a short amount of time, with thorough instructions and all the tools were included. I was able to put this together on my own in a reasonable about of time and its gorgeous. Great value for the money, highly recommended!
Excellent Product
The picture instructions for assembly should have been accompanied by a written set. Some pictures did not give enough detail to clearly determine the piece being assembled.
Its good, but beware.
It looks great and serves it purpose. Took about an hour to assemble. Though I may not have tighten it enough. Am not sure, I really dont want to disassemble and put back together again. It swicks a little when you. You know. Hope that helps .
Looks great for a great price!
Easy to put together as well.
Nice mattress
Nice bed, thats how it looks after being assembled, it should include non-slip for the supports because the bed slides a lot. I loved it.
Good purchase
Bought this bed for my 16yr old. She absolutely loves it. It didnt take that long to assemble. It is very sturdy. Just follow directions. Daughter is very happy. No noise when she moves around. It is a very good buy.
Definitely worth it!
Easy to build, and sturdy as heck! Recommend!
Very nice looking and Stable
Very pleased with the ease of assembly, quality of the product, and sturdiness. Upon very close examination you can tell that it is not the same quality as something from a luxury furniture store but its stable and looks nice. I would hesitate to buy this product again.
Worth the money
This is very sturdy and i can store things under it. Is it very pretty also. Beats paying 600 for one at a furniture store
Easy to assemblelooks good.
The frame fit my new mattress perfectly. No need for additional mattress support.
Definitely buy this
This was very easy to put together in a short amount of time, with thorough instructions and all the tools were included. I was able to put this together on my own in a reasonable about of time and its gorgeous. Great value for the money, highly recommended!
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