Took me awhile to assemble by myself. I tried to skip the instructions so dont do that. It looks exactly like the picture. A bit light in my opinion and I dont consider it too sturdy I constantly have to move it back in its place every week as it moves. You probably wont have the moving issue if it was placed on carpet though. Otherwise, the price is good for what it offers. Plenty of space under the loft!
not the easiest to builddidnt see my husband for a whole day as we bought 2 of these! but i can tell you that they are sturdy and look just as they are in the pic.
This is very sturdy and seems to be well built. It took some time to assemble, but the directions were clear and it went together quite well. Had one minor mistake during assembly that cost a bit of time, but it was pretty easy to go back and fix. I would recommend this product.
I bought the bed for my 5 year old daughter who wanted more room to play in her room, it goes together pretty easily. It wobbles a lot and squeaks everytime she rolls over. Its overall a good bed just nosey and wobbles.
We got this for visiting young nephews and specifically looked for one that would also work for adults for when we have other guests. I am a 42 yearold at 120 pounds. When I climbed the ladder to put the sheets on with no one on the bottom bunk, I noticed there is a definite tipover hard. All I would have had to do is swing my hips and pull and the whole thing would be pretty easy to tip over. So although Im sure the weight limit is correct, I dont think whoever designed this took climbing the ladder with no one on the bottom bunk into consideration. Additionally, the ladder has round metal poles (instead of flat steps) that hurt your feet when you climb. Will this work for a 7 and 5 yearold? Yes. Would I put an adult guest on the top bunk? Absolutely not.
I purchased for my son because he always said that he didnt have enough room in his room. (he had a full bed)
He is 9 years and old and he really likes it. Gives so much more room, and feels alot bigger, and cleaner for some reason too.
I was on the hunt for a loft bed for my youngest. Tried (Didnt have them), Bobs (Same). This was delivered quickly, took my twin mattress and was easy to follow. Extra parts and easy directions. Would highly recommend.
Overall this is a good buy and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a loft bed with space under it. The biggest thing is it still feels a bit unsteady unless attached to the wall. We placed it in a smaller room and Its perfect for what we bought it for.
The bed is solid and came with a load of extra pieces in case some were lost, but it loses a star because entire pages of the instructions were missing making it take longer than necessary to assemble as we had to make sure we werent using parts that would be necessary for attaching other pieces.
Exactly like the picture!
Took me awhile to assemble by myself. I tried to skip the instructions so dont do that. It looks exactly like the picture. A bit light in my opinion and I dont consider it too sturdy I constantly have to move it back in its place every week as it moves. You probably wont have the moving issue if it was placed on carpet though. Otherwise, the price is good for what it offers. Plenty of space under the loft!
great pricelots of pieces
not the easiest to builddidnt see my husband for a whole day as we bought 2 of these! but i can tell you that they are sturdy and look just as they are in the pic.
Very Sturdy Bunkbed
This is very sturdy and seems to be well built. It took some time to assemble, but the directions were clear and it went together quite well. Had one minor mistake during assembly that cost a bit of time, but it was pretty easy to go back and fix. I would recommend this product.
Decent bed
I bought the bed for my 5 year old daughter who wanted more room to play in her room, it goes together pretty easily. It wobbles a lot and squeaks everytime she rolls over. Its overall a good bed just nosey and wobbles.
I would not use this for adults
We got this for visiting young nephews and specifically looked for one that would also work for adults for when we have other guests. I am a 42 yearold at 120 pounds. When I climbed the ladder to put the sheets on with no one on the bottom bunk, I noticed there is a definite tipover hard. All I would have had to do is swing my hips and pull and the whole thing would be pretty easy to tip over. So although Im sure the weight limit is correct, I dont think whoever designed this took climbing the ladder with no one on the bottom bunk into consideration. Additionally, the ladder has round metal poles (instead of flat steps) that hurt your feet when you climb. Will this work for a 7 and 5 yearold? Yes. Would I put an adult guest on the top bunk? Absolutely not.
GO ahead and buy it.
I purchased for my son because he always said that he didnt have enough room in his room. (he had a full bed) He is 9 years and old and he really likes it. Gives so much more room, and feels alot bigger, and cleaner for some reason too.
Quickly Delivered Exactly What I Needed
I was on the hunt for a loft bed for my youngest. Tried (Didnt have them), Bobs (Same). This was delivered quickly, took my twin mattress and was easy to follow. Extra parts and easy directions. Would highly recommend.
Overall this is a good buy and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a loft bed with space under it. The biggest thing is it still feels a bit unsteady unless attached to the wall. We placed it in a smaller room and Its perfect for what we bought it for.
I would definitely purchase this again
It was relatively easy to assemble, and my 6 year old really likes it alot!
Solid bed, but the instructions are horrible
The bed is solid and came with a load of extra pieces in case some were lost, but it loses a star because entire pages of the instructions were missing making it take longer than necessary to assemble as we had to make sure we werent using parts that would be necessary for attaching other pieces.
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