Pretty sturdy. Good size. This product was easy to assemble, and took no time at all to put together. I did find it hard to carry up 16 stairs. The motors are slower then our other lift chairs, but are extremely quiet with a smooth operation. My wife originally found the chair to be to stiff and uncomfortable. Yesterday my wife commented she now finds it comfortable. We have four different lift recliners and my wife uses each chair for a different purpose. She doesnt appear to have a overall favorite.
Overall the chair seams to be a good lower end chair purchase.
Really Worth it I am very very grateful for thispower uplift recliner!!! Why? I had an open heart surgery six months ago. As you know, sternal precautions are used after open heart surgery to avoid pulling apart the breastbone as it is healing After the surgery, my surgeon repaired my sternum by aligning the bone in the proper place. Usually, a strong wire is used to hold the bones together while healing takes place.I slept overnight on the recliner every night for five weeks until my sternum healed and became strong again. I am doing very well!!! Moreover, its comfortable.
My son loves it!! I must admit, I had my doubts about ordering a lift chair from . However, I knew I needed to do something to help me with my upcoming total knee replacement. My chair arrived yesterday and Im thrilled. It works great and the fabric is even nicer than I thought it would be!
Very well made. UPDATED REVIEW 10/10/2019
Ive loved this chair have had it since January 2018, but it seems the controller has gone out. Im going to see if I can get a new controller from repair. I will update this review if I am successful!
Great chair! The movement is silent works perfectly. Ive had it since Christmas it gets a workout everyday. So far, so good. Very comfortable. Im short. Dont think a tall person would be happy with size of seat to foot rest ratio. My legs hang over! Made for shorter person. Upholstery is beautiful / spills clean up right away.
Not bad. The person for whom this was originally intended, unfortunately, injured their back on the same day the chair was delivered. The firmness of the upholstery proved to be too much for their vertebral fractures. I started using it myself, and had to supplement the seat with a 3 inch memory foam to make it more comfortable.
Overall good. Purchased for my mother who has weakness from strokes. She loves it, and she is able to get up without assistance now. She really likes the dual motor so she can adjust the footrest without moving the rest of the chair. The chair I bought a year ago for my step father doesnt have that feature.
This item is good! Satisfied. The controls were a bit confusing at first but you soon learn how they work. The chair is very comfortable. I got it because my wife has had some heart surgeries and isnt supposed to exert herself too much while she is recovering. The chair helps with that.
Ther best power chair I have owned.
Nice product. This power chair is not only extremely comfortable, but it is well built, sturdy and works very quickly and accurately. I loved it.
Chair was well protected!
Pretty sturdy. Good size. This product was easy to assemble, and took no time at all to put together. I did find it hard to carry up 16 stairs. The motors are slower then our other lift chairs, but are extremely quiet with a smooth operation. My wife originally found the chair to be to stiff and uncomfortable. Yesterday my wife commented she now finds it comfortable. We have four different lift recliners and my wife uses each chair for a different purpose. She doesnt appear to have a overall favorite. Overall the chair seams to be a good lower end chair purchase.
Great for Open Heart Surgery Patients
Really Worth it I am very very grateful for thispower uplift recliner!!! Why? I had an open heart surgery six months ago. As you know, sternal precautions are used after open heart surgery to avoid pulling apart the breastbone as it is healing After the surgery, my surgeon repaired my sternum by aligning the bone in the proper place. Usually, a strong wire is used to hold the bones together while healing takes place.I slept overnight on the recliner every night for five weeks until my sternum healed and became strong again. I am doing very well!!! Moreover, its comfortable.
This chair is Great quality and perfect for our needs
Not so bad. This chair is Great quality and perfect for our needs. Easy to set up and looks great in our den.
It works great and the fabric is even nicer than I thought .
My son loves it!! I must admit, I had my doubts about ordering a lift chair from . However, I knew I needed to do something to help me with my upcoming total knee replacement. My chair arrived yesterday and Im thrilled. It works great and the fabric is even nicer than I thought it would be!
Controller went out in 20 months.
Very well made. UPDATED REVIEW 10/10/2019 Ive loved this chair have had it since January 2018, but it seems the controller has gone out. Im going to see if I can get a new controller from repair. I will update this review if I am successful! Great chair! The movement is silent works perfectly. Ive had it since Christmas it gets a workout everyday. So far, so good. Very comfortable. Im short. Dont think a tall person would be happy with size of seat to foot rest ratio. My legs hang over! Made for shorter person. Upholstery is beautiful / spills clean up right away.
Too firm for sleeping in comfort
Not bad. The person for whom this was originally intended, unfortunately, injured their back on the same day the chair was delivered. The firmness of the upholstery proved to be too much for their vertebral fractures. I started using it myself, and had to supplement the seat with a 3 inch memory foam to make it more comfortable.
Purchased for my mother who has weakness from strokes. .
Overall good. Purchased for my mother who has weakness from strokes. She loves it, and she is able to get up without assistance now. She really likes the dual motor so she can adjust the footrest without moving the rest of the chair. The chair I bought a year ago for my step father doesnt have that feature.
This item is good! Satisfied. The controls were a bit confusing at first but you soon learn how they work. The chair is very comfortable. I got it because my wife has had some heart surgeries and isnt supposed to exert herself too much while she is recovering. The chair helps with that.
Lift chair
Well made and packaged. I bought this for my mother and she loves it i would recommend this to anyone that needs a lift chair
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