The bed arrived without any damaged or missing parts. Although there were no words in the instructions (pictures only), the assembly was very easy (less than an hour for two of us). The bed is sturdy, very nice looking, and should hold up for a long time. We purchased it for our 3 year/old grandson, so it is perfect for him and he should get years of use out of it. It would probably work for a small teenager/adult, although I wouldnt purchase it for a larger person and I wouldnt suggest jumping up and down on it. But if used for its intended purpose, it should be great. I would definitely recommend it.
Great bed! Very sturdy! Does not need a box underneath. We bought it with a memory foam mattress at Sams Club it fit perfect! This is a twin size bed. My son is 5. I can see him staying in this bed til about 12.
Tip/When you first get the bed, it has a strong smell of paint or stain finish. I would recommend spraying down with PLEDGE. After the second day spraying down, the smell was pretty much gone.
If you need a nice and sturdy bunk bed thats inexpensive this is for you. But get someone to help you, a bottle of nice wine and some snacks, and set aside an evening to assemble it. The wine will steady your nerves when you see how many pieces there are to assemble. But take your time; everything is labeled and you can do it. Or skip it and spend an extra 500/700 bucks and buy one of a similar quality that is fully assembled.
Im going to update this review over time. Right now its beautiful and seems sturdy but the odor coming off of it is really intense. I wont let my kids sleep on it or in their room at all until those fumes dissipate. Ive left the window open and fan on and shut the door so Im really hoping it fades because Im assuming those are VOCs off gassing and its scary how strong it smells.
I bought this bed specifically to put storage under the bed. The picture clearly shows a decent amount of clearance but the bed I received is about 5 inches off the floor. Would not have purchased if I knew that.
Great little bed / exactly as advertised
The bed arrived without any damaged or missing parts. Although there were no words in the instructions (pictures only), the assembly was very easy (less than an hour for two of us). The bed is sturdy, very nice looking, and should hold up for a long time. We purchased it for our 3 year/old grandson, so it is perfect for him and he should get years of use out of it. It would probably work for a small teenager/adult, although I wouldnt purchase it for a larger person and I wouldnt suggest jumping up and down on it. But if used for its intended purpose, it should be great. I would definitely recommend it.
twin bunkbeds
Beautiful bed my boys love it . Its even better than what I expected
My kids love it and Im so excited I was able to snatch this up before it went out of stock again.
Great Bed, Great Value, Very Nice!
Great bed! Very sturdy! Does not need a box underneath. We bought it with a memory foam mattress at Sams Club it fit perfect! This is a twin size bed. My son is 5. I can see him staying in this bed til about 12. Tip/When you first get the bed, it has a strong smell of paint or stain finish. I would recommend spraying down with PLEDGE. After the second day spraying down, the smell was pretty much gone.
Solid wood, really nice set.
Purchased it for our Grandchildren so wanted a very solid set so it would be safe. Very satisfied.
Pros: Inexpensive, sturdy. Con: One zillion pieces to assemble.
If you need a nice and sturdy bunk bed thats inexpensive this is for you. But get someone to help you, a bottle of nice wine and some snacks, and set aside an evening to assemble it. The wine will steady your nerves when you see how many pieces there are to assemble. But take your time; everything is labeled and you can do it. Or skip it and spend an extra 500/700 bucks and buy one of a similar quality that is fully assembled.
Intimidating on arrival, went together easily once parts were laid out
Incredibly sturdy, my daughter loves it
Off gassing creating strong fumes
Im going to update this review over time. Right now its beautiful and seems sturdy but the odor coming off of it is really intense. I wont let my kids sleep on it or in their room at all until those fumes dissipate. Ive left the window open and fan on and shut the door so Im really hoping it fades because Im assuming those are VOCs off gassing and its scary how strong it smells.
How sturdy it is and well made
I like everything about it. It does take 2 people to set it up.
No storage space
I bought this bed specifically to put storage under the bed. The picture clearly shows a decent amount of clearance but the bed I received is about 5 inches off the floor. Would not have purchased if I knew that.
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