The chair is comfortable and good for the price but the wheels don't roll very well, they just slide. Also, the assembly package was short a screw. Over all if you want an affordable decent chair, this one gets the job done
Instructions for putting it together are complicated, confusing, and horrible. Can't actually rate the chair because I can't get it put together. Seems to be missing one piece but from the instructions I can't figure out what it is or where it goes.
Comfy and good for the price
The chair is comfortable and good for the price but the wheels don't roll very well, they just slide. Also, the assembly package was short a screw. Over all if you want an affordable decent chair, this one gets the job done
Sits high off ground
It is very comfortable but sits a couple of inches too high off the ground at its lowest setting. And Im not short with LONG legs
Just OK
Not as comfortable as I hoped
Birthday present for my husband, who put it together in an hour. He loves it. We'll see how long it lasts and will update review.
Birthday present for my husband, who put it together in an hour. He loves it. We'll see how long it lasts and will update review.
Nice Little Chair, (comment if you see the PFW in Progress connection)
Nice chair, really interesting packaging methods. Relatively easy assembly
Works as should
Easy assembly
Not the greatest Chair for the money
the chair has tipped over on me several times cause it doesnt roll well on carpets
Don't buy this chair
Instructions for putting it together are complicated, confusing, and horrible. Can't actually rate the chair because I can't get it put together. Seems to be missing one piece but from the instructions I can't figure out what it is or where it goes.
Comfortable chair for a good price
This chair makes sitting at the computer more comfortable -- love it!
Very Happy!
Love this chair!!
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