These barstools were very easy to assemble and are sturdy. Be careful because the hardware bag is clear and was at the bottom of the plastic bag the base was inI almost threw it away (its only 4 screws and an Allen wrench!). We have only had them a few days so I can not attest to their durability. The covering on the cushions is soft and wipes down easily.
I looked for so long for barstools. I love these!! They are soft, not cheap looking, easy to assemble and modern! I am so so happy with my buy. I am a petite young woman, so the size is perfect for me. I could see if a person is not petite they could feel that they are too small. For me, they are perfect!!! I got them for my first apartment and I was not disappointed. Overall, I would absolutely recommend buying these barstools
Great item
Easy Assembly and Comfortable
These barstools were very easy to assemble and are sturdy. Be careful because the hardware bag is clear and was at the bottom of the plastic bag the base was inI almost threw it away (its only 4 screws and an Allen wrench!). We have only had them a few days so I can not attest to their durability. The covering on the cushions is soft and wipes down easily.
Nice chairs. been using this for 2 months. cheaper as well
easy to assemble. took around 10 minutes to assemble a chair. we could adjust the chair height easily. this is a super deal.
The best product
Excellent product. I liked very much
Great and easy
Very easy to put together and they look and work perfectly
I have 2 of 6 chairs that dont stay down.
I emailed the vendor and no response.
No tools required and great chairs
Chairs are very well made and beautiful. Very easy to assemble. Very happy with purchase!
For sitting with my family thank you
Awwesome chairs
Awesome chars my dad set up for his bar! Really comfy and true to pictures we got the caramel ones! Love them!!
Very happy with these
I looked for so long for barstools. I love these!! They are soft, not cheap looking, easy to assemble and modern! I am so so happy with my buy. I am a petite young woman, so the size is perfect for me. I could see if a person is not petite they could feel that they are too small. For me, they are perfect!!! I got them for my first apartment and I was not disappointed. Overall, I would absolutely recommend buying these barstools
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