Perfect for my island. Great size for my small space. Very sturdy, heavy duty. Im on the heavy side and I feel comfortable sitting on them. My friend even ordered some for her home after seen mine Easy to assemble too!
They came quickly and were packaged well. I sorted out all the parts and followed the directions. Some of the screws were difficult to screw in. The holes were aligned correctly but they took a lot of arm power to get them in tight. One plug for the hole was missing. But that was not a big deal. They always fall out anyway. Once I got the screws all tight enough the stool was solid. I will say I did the alternate screw tightening to assure all were correctly aligned and in there well. If you dont alternate, youll find that once you get one in tight, the opposing one is a little loose. So make sure you alternate and every one is tight. Once assembled they are very nice. I got the brown to match the furniture and they blend in well. Good produce. I only gave 4 stars because the screws were so hard to get tight. But then thats a good thing so they dont develop a wobble over time. As to sturdiness, I just put them together and it will take time to see if they jiggle loose and begin the wobble. I dont think they will. But you never know. Good purchase overall.
The distributor shipped quickly, and it looks better and more durable than the photos suggest. Im extremely pleased with my purchase as I got a great quality product as a reasonable price.
Great for the money
Item arrived on time, package well packed, sturdy, nice and very simple to assemble.
Love these bar stools
Great value and easy to put together
Strong and sturdy ??
Perfect for my island. Great size for my small space. Very sturdy, heavy duty. Im on the heavy side and I feel comfortable sitting on them. My friend even ordered some for her home after seen mine Easy to assemble too!
Black Stools Kitchen
Very nice sturdy stools! They look great in my kitchen. I would recommend them to everyone looking!
Very nice set for kitchen island
They came quickly and were packaged well. I sorted out all the parts and followed the directions. Some of the screws were difficult to screw in. The holes were aligned correctly but they took a lot of arm power to get them in tight. One plug for the hole was missing. But that was not a big deal. They always fall out anyway. Once I got the screws all tight enough the stool was solid. I will say I did the alternate screw tightening to assure all were correctly aligned and in there well. If you dont alternate, youll find that once you get one in tight, the opposing one is a little loose. So make sure you alternate and every one is tight. Once assembled they are very nice. I got the brown to match the furniture and they blend in well. Good produce. I only gave 4 stars because the screws were so hard to get tight. But then thats a good thing so they dont develop a wobble over time. As to sturdiness, I just put them together and it will take time to see if they jiggle loose and begin the wobble. I dont think they will. But you never know. Good purchase overall.
Little bit uncomfortable , but I put matching cushions and its aming !!
Looks great in my kitchen , size is perfect,
Beautiful chairs!
These chairs were so nice! Loved them! These were easy to assemble and very comfortable.
Cool stools
Sturdy and made well! Perfect for kids or adults!
Nice and easy
diections for assembling were easy to follow.
Incredible Value
The distributor shipped quickly, and it looks better and more durable than the photos suggest. Im extremely pleased with my purchase as I got a great quality product as a reasonable price.
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