Easy enough to assemble solo, but I would suggest having another person to make it go by faster. The quality of the product is astounding especially since it was a relatively low price. Its a great height and my son loves it!
Me and my husband took 4 hours to put this bed together but its worth it. The instructions are super east they label everything for you a 6 yr old can put this bed together. I advise to not tighten the screws till the end because if you tighten as you go it will cause some parts not to fit correctly and you will think that its the manufacture fault but its not its you. Its really sturdy Ive been on the bed with no problem and I am 195 lbs. my son loves it and its the perfect height for him.
Lets be honest, Boston doesnt have the biggest rooms in the world when it comes down to its houses. I used to have a room where half of it was the single bed, and the other half was my desk and work space. Almost suffocating. I needed something that would make my bed bigger, and my room bigger. And I was like. what if I got a lofted double bed. is that even a thing
I since ordered it, and put it all together with my friends parents help (took the 4 of us to put together. probably cant quite do it quickly just by myself). It is one of the best moves I have made since I have been here. Now I have double floor space, double bed space, and a nice desk to come with it. One year in and it is as sturdy as it was.
One thing I wish was different is probably the depth of the desk. It is very wide, but not deep enough for my liking / I am probably going to add a plank of wood to add some extra workspace. but all in all a great buy, especially for people in smaller rooms with high ceilings.
I bout this bed for my 9 year old son. He love this bed because now he has a desk that doesnt take up space in his small beroom. I was able to put a small table under the bed aswell for the computer so he can use the desk space for his Tv and play station. I was able to store shoe racks as shelving units under the desk were he keeps his books, puzzels and storage container for leggos. This is a great product for the value. It is very stable but for security you should put it in a corner. We also cut noodles for the stairs because they do hurt your feet.
Unpackaging was the hardest part. It is very securely packed to prevent damage. It took us about 1 1/2 hours to unpackage and assemble. My son loves this bed. Very sturdy and the directions were simple, easy to understandEverything is labeled and hardware is tooI highly recommend this product!
Love it!
Easy enough to assemble solo, but I would suggest having another person to make it go by faster. The quality of the product is astounding especially since it was a relatively low price. Its a great height and my son loves it!
Good first big kid bed
My son really loves his big boy bed my only wish is that the weight capacity were higher so I could sit up there with him!
Pretty great!
A great value for the money The directions were actually pretty easy to follow. The bed is a tiny bit wobbly but just fine for a kiddo.
My 9 year old helped me build
Easy to assemble, very sturdy. Its slightly wobbly when climbing up and down, so we plan to anchor it to the wall to account for this.
Definitely a good product
Definitely a good product
Easy to put together
Me and my husband took 4 hours to put this bed together but its worth it. The instructions are super east they label everything for you a 6 yr old can put this bed together. I advise to not tighten the screws till the end because if you tighten as you go it will cause some parts not to fit correctly and you will think that its the manufacture fault but its not its you. Its really sturdy Ive been on the bed with no problem and I am 195 lbs. my son loves it and its the perfect height for him.
Brilliant / double floor space, double bed space
Lets be honest, Boston doesnt have the biggest rooms in the world when it comes down to its houses. I used to have a room where half of it was the single bed, and the other half was my desk and work space. Almost suffocating. I needed something that would make my bed bigger, and my room bigger. And I was like. what if I got a lofted double bed. is that even a thing I since ordered it, and put it all together with my friends parents help (took the 4 of us to put together. probably cant quite do it quickly just by myself). It is one of the best moves I have made since I have been here. Now I have double floor space, double bed space, and a nice desk to come with it. One year in and it is as sturdy as it was. One thing I wish was different is probably the depth of the desk. It is very wide, but not deep enough for my liking / I am probably going to add a plank of wood to add some extra workspace. but all in all a great buy, especially for people in smaller rooms with high ceilings.
Best value
I bout this bed for my 9 year old son. He love this bed because now he has a desk that doesnt take up space in his small beroom. I was able to put a small table under the bed aswell for the computer so he can use the desk space for his Tv and play station. I was able to store shoe racks as shelving units under the desk were he keeps his books, puzzels and storage container for leggos. This is a great product for the value. It is very stable but for security you should put it in a corner. We also cut noodles for the stairs because they do hurt your feet.
nice Bed!
Unpackaging was the hardest part. It is very securely packed to prevent damage. It took us about 1 1/2 hours to unpackage and assemble. My son loves this bed. Very sturdy and the directions were simple, easy to understandEverything is labeled and hardware is tooI highly recommend this product!
great bed for the price!
my grandson LOVED his new bed.it was really easy to put together. took about 2 hours with 2 people to do.
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