My daughter loves it. Fits decently with a standard 8 foot ceiling, where higher beds really dont. Was a lot of work to assemble but wasnt really that hard / just took a while. Seems plenty sturdy for kids.
I received the item as promised. Though I read that you need two people to put the bed up, I did it alone because I have no one to help me. It took me 4 hours to do alone. All of the parts were present and all pieces fit as indicated in the instructions which were very clear. The bed does squeak and move a little when you move around in it. I had to get rubber padding for the ladder steps. Overall, I am pleased with the product.
First off I will say I am extremely impressed and happy with this purchase. The instructions and pieces are labeled well and go step by step. It is a total of 33 steps and it is easy to assemble. My mom and I put it together in 5 hours but my 3 year old son wanted to help, so Im sure without any distractions it would take a lot less time. The bed is sturdy and comes with an allen wrench to tighten bolts. You will also need a phillips screwdriver. No drill neededI would advise you to read ahead a few steps in the beginning because at times we had to go back and loosen bolts to add pieces from a later step. Other than that, the bed is great and my 3 year old loves it enough that he is not sleeping with my husband and I tonight I was worried it would be too high off the ground but I am 57 and it stops at the top of my stomach. I bought a 5 inch linespa memory foam mattress and it leaves plenty of space left for the railing to provide safety from falling off while sleeping. I would recommend this bedOh, but the bed is delivered in a long rectangular awkward shaped box that is extremely heavy Save your back and get some help bringing it in the house.
Put this up the same day it was delivered. I recommend just reading the directions and setting in areas of the room the different parts. Took about 35min to assemble. Wondering where I can get some extra screws as some stripped on the head? Would like to be able to use this again when we move of course. Also should just say the twin mattress width recommended should also be listed as the one we had is too thick, but luckily a new one is needed. If I remember to update this after we get a mattress that fits, will provide more info.
Great height for younger children. Ample room under bed for storage/play. Set up took about 2 hr. for me by myself. The metal ladder rungs does make a clanking noise when ascending and descending the bed. Other than that the bed is fairly steady. My 4 year old really likes the bed.
Love it, decorated it to make it look like a batcave underneath when my kid was 5, hes 9 and still loved it, good space/saver putting toys/legos under it. I wish there was a good sturdy way to make it taller now that hes older, like to a standard size loft.
For the tiny space apartment I reside in, this bed/on/stilts was a perfect fit. Only add/on needed was to ziptie some pool noodles onto the stairs going up to the bed up top, cause the ladder rungs are tiny / thin.
Good for rooms with 8 foot ceiling
My daughter loves it. Fits decently with a standard 8 foot ceiling, where higher beds really dont. Was a lot of work to assemble but wasnt really that hard / just took a while. Seems plenty sturdy for kids.
Works for Me
I received the item as promised. Though I read that you need two people to put the bed up, I did it alone because I have no one to help me. It took me 4 hours to do alone. All of the parts were present and all pieces fit as indicated in the instructions which were very clear. The bed does squeak and move a little when you move around in it. I had to get rubber padding for the ladder steps. Overall, I am pleased with the product.
Awesome sturdy bed
First off I will say I am extremely impressed and happy with this purchase. The instructions and pieces are labeled well and go step by step. It is a total of 33 steps and it is easy to assemble. My mom and I put it together in 5 hours but my 3 year old son wanted to help, so Im sure without any distractions it would take a lot less time. The bed is sturdy and comes with an allen wrench to tighten bolts. You will also need a phillips screwdriver. No drill neededI would advise you to read ahead a few steps in the beginning because at times we had to go back and loosen bolts to add pieces from a later step. Other than that, the bed is great and my 3 year old loves it enough that he is not sleeping with my husband and I tonight I was worried it would be too high off the ground but I am 57 and it stops at the top of my stomach. I bought a 5 inch linespa memory foam mattress and it leaves plenty of space left for the railing to provide safety from falling off while sleeping. I would recommend this bedOh, but the bed is delivered in a long rectangular awkward shaped box that is extremely heavy Save your back and get some help bringing it in the house.
Pretty good so far
Put this up the same day it was delivered. I recommend just reading the directions and setting in areas of the room the different parts. Took about 35min to assemble. Wondering where I can get some extra screws as some stripped on the head? Would like to be able to use this again when we move of course. Also should just say the twin mattress width recommended should also be listed as the one we had is too thick, but luckily a new one is needed. If I remember to update this after we get a mattress that fits, will provide more info.
Looks good
Looks good but is wobbly, needs tightened constantly and was a two man job to assemble.
Fairly sturdy and optimal height for younger children.
Great height for younger children. Ample room under bed for storage/play. Set up took about 2 hr. for me by myself. The metal ladder rungs does make a clanking noise when ascending and descending the bed. Other than that the bed is fairly steady. My 4 year old really likes the bed.
Great safer option for smaller kids that saves bedroom space.
Love it, decorated it to make it look like a batcave underneath when my kid was 5, hes 9 and still loved it, good space/saver putting toys/legos under it. I wish there was a good sturdy way to make it taller now that hes older, like to a standard size loft.
Kids love it
Great buy but next time I will just pay for assembly as it was quite the job.
Easy and nice.
Its a bed frame thats easy to build. Simple, and it works well.
Best fit on a budget and in a tiny space
For the tiny space apartment I reside in, this bed/on/stilts was a perfect fit. Only add/on needed was to ziptie some pool noodles onto the stairs going up to the bed up top, cause the ladder rungs are tiny / thin.
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