Easy to put together, 20-30mins, and looks nice, but being a bigger guy, the seat is not the most comfortable. Wheels are a bit flimsy, which I think will need new ones before anything else is replaced on the chair. For someone under 200lbs, this may be the cats meow, but not for a bigger guy.
This chair is very comfortable and sturdy. Easy to assemble. I like that it has no arms so I can roll up close to the desk. Im 5 9 and it fits me well and feels like it will hold up well. I added a small lumbar pillow to make it more supportive, does not have much lumbar support, but with the added small pillow it is fine.
Love this chair! Ive had it for a long time and its held up nicely. Its comfortable, big enough for me to sit in (im 260 pounds and 58) and durable. Ive used this chair frequently and I can sit in it easily for 6 hours without getting uncomfortable. My only complaint is that I wish it had bigger arm rests but thats no fault of the chair itself!
Great looking chair, but not comfortable for long periods of time. All the cushioning flattens and the seat is super hard. If you have any sort of back issues, using this chair makes it worse. Would recommend if you only sit for shorter periods of time.
Great sewing chair!
This chair is an awesome deal and well worth the money. Comfortable and attractive!
Nice look, needs more cushion
Easy to put together, 20-30mins, and looks nice, but being a bigger guy, the seat is not the most comfortable. Wheels are a bit flimsy, which I think will need new ones before anything else is replaced on the chair. For someone under 200lbs, this may be the cats meow, but not for a bigger guy.
Waste of money
This is not strong and the quality is so cheap
Its a good purchase. No regrets.
Easy to assemble and its comfy. I love it
Great chair for the money, arm rest padding could be better
Great price and looks great. Easy to assemble, arm rest padding wears down quickly and doesnt provide much support after only a few months.
Comfortable, Sturdy Chair
This chair is very comfortable and sturdy. Easy to assemble. I like that it has no arms so I can roll up close to the desk. Im 5 9 and it fits me well and feels like it will hold up well. I added a small lumbar pillow to make it more supportive, does not have much lumbar support, but with the added small pillow it is fine.
Love It
Love this chair! Ive had it for a long time and its held up nicely. Its comfortable, big enough for me to sit in (im 260 pounds and 58) and durable. Ive used this chair frequently and I can sit in it easily for 6 hours without getting uncomfortable. My only complaint is that I wish it had bigger arm rests but thats no fault of the chair itself!
I love love love this chair!!!
Nice looking, not comfortable for long durations.
Great looking chair, but not comfortable for long periods of time. All the cushioning flattens and the seat is super hard. If you have any sort of back issues, using this chair makes it worse. Would recommend if you only sit for shorter periods of time.
Comfortable and cheap office chair
I assembled it, and it looks great. I like the color of this chair, thats why I ordered it. The chair is soft, sturdy.
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