I love this! It was so easy to put together. Me and my 12 year old daughter assembled it in like a half hour. Its very sturdy and super cute. Cushion quality is decent.
Easy to assemble. I should have checked measurements better. I wish it were about 4 wider for my wide load but that's on me. All and all good and I would recommend it.
While these seemed smaller than my own visual imagination, they are completely true to measurements and that's good as I'd measured the space. Sturdy. Shipped with everything but we did use a drill to mount the screws just to make it go faster. Quickly built 2 of these and I'm really happy with how they look!
It is very sturdy and exactly what I wanted. I paired it with the Crestlive Products Vertical Dresser Storage Tower in light gray. They are the same width. This bench is perfect for my closet for shoe organization and assisting in getting ready. It feels very durable and doesn't feel like particle board. It's a hard dense material that feels like it can hold a lot of weight. I was concerned it wasn't shipped through , but I had no issues. I received the bench earlier than the expected delivery date and it was in good condition upon arrival. I am very happy with my purchase and experience.
Bought this as a window seat bench and toy storage for my girls playroom. Im a pretty cheap person so I dont normally spend this much on furniture, but my girls are super busy and a little destructive so I decided to go for it and take a chance.
Its excellent.
My girls helped build it, and by that i mean scratched and pounded on it with both ends of the screwdriver. Didnt even leave a scratch or a dent! They color on it and it wipes right off. Its extremely sturdy, and the backing SCREWS on, so none of those little crappy nails that you end up putting in crooked and bent and go right through the side of the boards.
The bench was easy to assemble and is a good option for an apartment. I am size 11.5-12 and my shoes fit comfortably. The only downside was he delivery USPS delivered it at pur mailbox. It was heavy to get it to our house from the mailbox.
Exactly as advertised, easy to assemble - very happy with the purchase. Actually bought to use as a stand for a 55 TV, didn't use the cushion on the top. Works very well !!
Great deal!! Worth it.
I love this! It was so easy to put together. Me and my 12 year old daughter assembled it in like a half hour. Its very sturdy and super cute. Cushion quality is decent.
Arrived on time
Easy to assemble. I should have checked measurements better. I wish it were about 4 wider for my wide load but that's on me. All and all good and I would recommend it.
Got 2 of these and loved them!
Nice quality and nice looking
While these seemed smaller than my own visual imagination, they are completely true to measurements and that's good as I'd measured the space. Sturdy. Shipped with everything but we did use a drill to mount the screws just to make it go faster. Quickly built 2 of these and I'm really happy with how they look!
happy customer
Easy to assemble and sturdy thanks!
Love this product.
Love this product. Bought 3, they look and function great in my mudroom.
Beautiful and Sturdy
It is very sturdy and exactly what I wanted. I paired it with the Crestlive Products Vertical Dresser Storage Tower in light gray. They are the same width. This bench is perfect for my closet for shoe organization and assisting in getting ready. It feels very durable and doesn't feel like particle board. It's a hard dense material that feels like it can hold a lot of weight. I was concerned it wasn't shipped through , but I had no issues. I received the bench earlier than the expected delivery date and it was in good condition upon arrival. I am very happy with my purchase and experience.
Worth the money. Exceeds expectations
Bought this as a window seat bench and toy storage for my girls playroom. Im a pretty cheap person so I dont normally spend this much on furniture, but my girls are super busy and a little destructive so I decided to go for it and take a chance. Its excellent. My girls helped build it, and by that i mean scratched and pounded on it with both ends of the screwdriver. Didnt even leave a scratch or a dent! They color on it and it wipes right off. Its extremely sturdy, and the backing SCREWS on, so none of those little crappy nails that you end up putting in crooked and bent and go right through the side of the boards.
Nice shoe bench for an apartment.
The bench was easy to assemble and is a good option for an apartment. I am size 11.5-12 and my shoes fit comfortably. The only downside was he delivery USPS delivered it at pur mailbox. It was heavy to get it to our house from the mailbox.
Nice !!
Exactly as advertised, easy to assemble - very happy with the purchase. Actually bought to use as a stand for a 55 TV, didn't use the cushion on the top. Works very well !!
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