This was really easy to assemble, despite the instructions not being the clearest. And it is extremely sturdy! I'm 295lbs, and it doesn't even wobble or creak when I sit on it with my purse and with shoes in every slot. It's comfortable to sit on, too. It has feet in the center which, while little, do a whole lot for the structure.
Got it for my dad for Christmas, and it works perfectly for him. We were both really impressed by the quality while we were assembling.
this is a basic bench that works well for a mudroom, it looks ok but its narrow and the cushion is very very thin.
the price could be better compared to what you get but I am satisfied with this purchase.
This fits perfect at the end of a twin bed. This is definitely a shoe rack, cubbies are too small for anything else. Two side cubbies are bigger and movable. Great great quality for the price! Easy to assemble. I was so pleased.
Happy customer.
This was exactly what was advertised. Easy assembly, sturdy.
Great product for the price!
Love this! Its perfect for our mudroom closet. I left the two end shelves off, and am able to slip my kids backpacks in easily. Couldnt be happier!
Sturdy and easily holds 300lbs
This was really easy to assemble, despite the instructions not being the clearest. And it is extremely sturdy! I'm 295lbs, and it doesn't even wobble or creak when I sit on it with my purse and with shoes in every slot. It's comfortable to sit on, too. It has feet in the center which, while little, do a whole lot for the structure. Got it for my dad for Christmas, and it works perfectly for him. We were both really impressed by the quality while we were assembling.
works fine for a mudroom
this is a basic bench that works well for a mudroom, it looks ok but its narrow and the cushion is very very thin. the price could be better compared to what you get but I am satisfied with this purchase.
Highly recommend
I absolutely love it. Didnt put the back on as I like the way it looks without.
It was easy on everything need to people and a drill. Was put together in 20 mins tops.
Perfect fit at the end of our bed
Its perfect! It stores out shoes for easy access! We can sit to take our shoes on and off !
Highly recommend..
Love it. Use it everyday! Easy to throw together. Doesnt shake when you sit on it.
Great quality
This fits perfect at the end of a twin bed. This is definitely a shoe rack, cubbies are too small for anything else. Two side cubbies are bigger and movable. Great great quality for the price! Easy to assemble. I was so pleased.
Love this
I love the way it appears when you walk in my house.
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