I purchased 2 of these. They were fairly simple to put together and seem sturdy. However, they will not fit underneath my daughters twin bed. The bed frame is a standard twin frame, but the wheels of the bedframe do not allow the trundle to roll under. I ordered so early.before I could set it up and now I cant return it, but they are useless to me if I have to use other space to store them.
A bit wobbly and the ladder is hard to climb, but overall its okay. My teenager loves the futon and it is great for her to use to watch tv or for a friend to spend the night. We did have to wait 3 weeks to get it because it was back ordered, but I guess thats because the price is so good.
I ordered three of these beds for my children. Buy them, they said. Well be so hip! Thanks to Prime they arrived promptly. I opened one and was immediately intimidated by the number of parts. Not one to shy away from such things I jumped into action. After one hour I only had one end assembled poorly and had invented at least 30 new curse words. I had assembled the bottom piece upside down, said the hell with it and there it sat for at least a week. I eventually paid my teenaged sons friend to help my son put the beds together. 2 of them. They were time consuming and tedious enough that the kid, who is super polite, said, Maam, I REALLY want to help with that last bed but Max and I have been friends for too long for these beds to ruin it. I will have to come back on another day. The last box is still leaning on a wall. The two that are put together look really great in my girls room. There is also some awesomely long pieces of cardboard in the boxes great for sliding down staircases.
We have had these beds for 2 months and already the front middle leg has fallen off. The piece just came off while the screws for it are still in the bed. The bed is also quite wobbly to climb on. While it says it can take a person of upto 250lbs, I doubt that it actually true. My son is 3 years old and weighs 30 lbs and this leg broke. I have emailed the manufacturers about it and will update the review once I hear from them or not.
The bed is nice and goes together relatively easily, but the corner of the desk was heavily damaged in shipment, not sure what to do about that. I cant imagine disassembling and shipping it back.
The trundle works perfectly/ I have it 3 stars because the bars that hold the mattress are lightweight and I am not certain how they hold up/ I feel I need to put a piece of plywood on top to distribute weight/ have instructed kids not to jump on it! But fits perfectly!!
The quality is pretty ho/hum, and the instructions are not the clearest Ive followed. As a personal preference, I will pay the extra 50 next time in order to have the furniture assembled upon delivery (from a box store).
Well built and looks good. Rolls back and forth while using it
Well built and looks good. Rolls back and forth while using it. Also, our twin mattress dint fit into it. The mattress is 2 out on either sides.
Did not fit under standard bed frame.
I purchased 2 of these. They were fairly simple to put together and seem sturdy. However, they will not fit underneath my daughters twin bed. The bed frame is a standard twin frame, but the wheels of the bedframe do not allow the trundle to roll under. I ordered so early.before I could set it up and now I cant return it, but they are useless to me if I have to use other space to store them.
pretty frustrating
My daughter loves it. It was difficult to put together, pretty frustrating
My teenager loves the futon and it is great for her to use to watch tv or for .
A bit wobbly and the ladder is hard to climb, but overall its okay. My teenager loves the futon and it is great for her to use to watch tv or for a friend to spend the night. We did have to wait 3 weeks to get it because it was back ordered, but I guess thats because the price is so good.
Destroyer of Friendships but Nice Design
I ordered three of these beds for my children. Buy them, they said. Well be so hip! Thanks to Prime they arrived promptly. I opened one and was immediately intimidated by the number of parts. Not one to shy away from such things I jumped into action. After one hour I only had one end assembled poorly and had invented at least 30 new curse words. I had assembled the bottom piece upside down, said the hell with it and there it sat for at least a week. I eventually paid my teenaged sons friend to help my son put the beds together. 2 of them. They were time consuming and tedious enough that the kid, who is super polite, said, Maam, I REALLY want to help with that last bed but Max and I have been friends for too long for these beds to ruin it. I will have to come back on another day. The last box is still leaning on a wall. The two that are put together look really great in my girls room. There is also some awesomely long pieces of cardboard in the boxes great for sliding down staircases.
Its OK. The front middle leg broke after 2 months
We have had these beds for 2 months and already the front middle leg has fallen off. The piece just came off while the screws for it are still in the bed. The bed is also quite wobbly to climb on. While it says it can take a person of upto 250lbs, I doubt that it actually true. My son is 3 years old and weighs 30 lbs and this leg broke. I have emailed the manufacturers about it and will update the review once I hear from them or not.
The bed is nice and goes together relatively easily
The bed is nice and goes together relatively easily, but the corner of the desk was heavily damaged in shipment, not sure what to do about that. I cant imagine disassembling and shipping it back.
The trundle works perfectly/ I have it 3 stars because .
The trundle works perfectly/ I have it 3 stars because the bars that hold the mattress are lightweight and I am not certain how they hold up/ I feel I need to put a piece of plywood on top to distribute weight/ have instructed kids not to jump on it! But fits perfectly!!
Not for the assembly newbie.
The quality is pretty ho/hum, and the instructions are not the clearest Ive followed. As a personal preference, I will pay the extra 50 next time in order to have the furniture assembled upon delivery (from a box store).
Metal slats make noises after few months
Nice bed but after few months the metal slats support start making a lot of noise. Somebody can tell me how to fix it?
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