This bed fit in my daughters bedroom perfectly! I love that its not too high off the ground, but I can still fit her toys bins underneath. Its also very sturdy.
Love it! Kids love it! All though it turned out great and nothing came damaged. It does look like the support for the mattress are not durable enough for a kid to jump on the bed. My kids dont do that so its not a big deal. Im like a kid size and weight so I wouldnt know if it supports a heavy weight. It was easy to assemble,alot of pieces but instructions were clear. My son 9 can not sit up on the bottom bunk but my 5 year old can . Their mattress is a simple standard mattress. (Just incase someone had questions if another type fits)
My kids really love it. It was easy enough for my daughter to help me put it together. The color is just right and its not to big not too small. With room to store things underneath the bottom bunk which is a plus. Havent had any issues with the bunkbed. The only thing would be a couple dings and dints on the wood when receiving the box was alittle poorly packaged not a sturdy solid box that has been tapped alot to keep it together. Other than that a nicely made bunkbed that fits nicely together without any problems. The curtains and curtain tracks and lights I purchased through shown in the picture. It really tied the look together
I am really impressed with the durability and style of these bundbeds. For the price I was really worried about durability and that it would not be safe for my two teenage boys due to their age and size. They are not tiny toddlers! But we really needed bunk beds due to the size of their bedroom so we took a chance on these. Quality is great, they are very sturdy and feel solid. My only suggestion is to pay close attention to the directions! Some of the pieces look the same but are not. If you use the wrong pieces youll have it halfway put together and then realize that you have to take it all apart again. But if you follow the directions closely and the labels on each piece it comes together quickly.
The assembly was the typical follow instructions and youll have a finished product. This bed is EVERYTHING! The underbed storage is perfect. Plus its the perfect size for 3 year old.
The manual was perfectly written, the steps were easy to follow. The quality of the bed was excellent! I purchased this bed for my daughters and they loved! If you follow the instructions youll end up with A great bed!
Great fit!
This bed fit in my daughters bedroom perfectly! I love that its not too high off the ground, but I can still fit her toys bins underneath. Its also very sturdy.
Everything I wanted
Love it! Kids love it! All though it turned out great and nothing came damaged. It does look like the support for the mattress are not durable enough for a kid to jump on the bed. My kids dont do that so its not a big deal. Im like a kid size and weight so I wouldnt know if it supports a heavy weight. It was easy to assemble,alot of pieces but instructions were clear. My son 9 can not sit up on the bottom bunk but my 5 year old can . Their mattress is a simple standard mattress. (Just incase someone had questions if another type fits)
Nice bunkbed
My kids really love it. It was easy enough for my daughter to help me put it together. The color is just right and its not to big not too small. With room to store things underneath the bottom bunk which is a plus. Havent had any issues with the bunkbed. The only thing would be a couple dings and dints on the wood when receiving the box was alittle poorly packaged not a sturdy solid box that has been tapped alot to keep it together. Other than that a nicely made bunkbed that fits nicely together without any problems. The curtains and curtain tracks and lights I purchased through shown in the picture. It really tied the look together
Worth buying!
Easy to assemble, sturdy, great value for the price! My grandchildren loved them!
Good quality
Liked everything about it. Liked the color. Was easy to assemble.
Pay attention!
I am really impressed with the durability and style of these bundbeds. For the price I was really worried about durability and that it would not be safe for my two teenage boys due to their age and size. They are not tiny toddlers! But we really needed bunk beds due to the size of their bedroom so we took a chance on these. Quality is great, they are very sturdy and feel solid. My only suggestion is to pay close attention to the directions! Some of the pieces look the same but are not. If you use the wrong pieces youll have it halfway put together and then realize that you have to take it all apart again. But if you follow the directions closely and the labels on each piece it comes together quickly.
Very sturdy, good quality beds
Great quality, sturdy wood, easy to assemble, great instructions. Love the color. You can also use the beds separately
I am in love!
The assembly was the typical follow instructions and youll have a finished product. This bed is EVERYTHING! The underbed storage is perfect. Plus its the perfect size for 3 year old.
Quality of the product was EXCELLENT
The manual was perfectly written, the steps were easy to follow. The quality of the bed was excellent! I purchased this bed for my daughters and they loved! If you follow the instructions youll end up with A great bed!
My kids love their new bed
Very easy to assemble it is very sturdy my kids love their new bed thank u
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