My 5 year old and his friends have fun on this swing. It doesn’t take up a ton of space and is very sturdy. Really good investment if you’re looking for something smaller but still good quality!
Ordered this swing set for my grandson’s third birthday to keep at my house when he visits, it was so easy to put together and he absolutely loved it, highly recommend!!!
We wanted a small swing set for our grandchildren and this was perfect. You definitely need two people to set it up. We had trouble screwing their stakes in because of our hard clay dirt so bought long nail stakes and they worked well.
This little frame is sturdy and holding up well. We have a small backyard and not trying to spend a fortune on a swing set she’s not going to use forever. This came with the swing and slide, it was a worthwhile purchase.
Our swing lasted about 1.5 years, and the rope and straps frayed after a year. I think buying a better quality swing would be worth it for my now 3 year old.
Super small swing set!
Bought this for our 4 year old grand daughter..perfect small size! Assembly was a snap! Happy with our purchase!
love this swingset
Love the swingset; pretty sturdy and strong; granddaughter loves it!
Well Made!
This was a gift for my grandchild!!! It was easy to put together, looks nice and is very strong. She will enjoy it for many years to come!
Great swing for 1-2 children
My 5 year old and his friends have fun on this swing. It doesn’t take up a ton of space and is very sturdy. Really good investment if you’re looking for something smaller but still good quality!
Great swing set
Ordered this swing set for my grandson’s third birthday to keep at my house when he visits, it was so easy to put together and he absolutely loved it, highly recommend!!!
Very sturdy swing
We wanted a small swing set for our grandchildren and this was perfect. You definitely need two people to set it up. We had trouble screwing their stakes in because of our hard clay dirt so bought long nail stakes and they worked well.
Perfect for my 2 year old
This little frame is sturdy and holding up well. We have a small backyard and not trying to spend a fortune on a swing set she’s not going to use forever. This came with the swing and slide, it was a worthwhile purchase.
Not worth the price
Our swing lasted about 1.5 years, and the rope and straps frayed after a year. I think buying a better quality swing would be worth it for my now 3 year old.
Great swing
Easy to set up and my grandson loves it!! I also love that it grows with him so the price is worth it. Will last him a few years.
Very good
It’s a very good product I really loved it for my daughter. Easy to assemble. Kids will love it and enjoy it.
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