This was eventually a birthday gift requested by my daughter for her first child. Both the parents and the baby LOVE it so very much. Nice quality, sturdy design and pleasant colors. Highly recommend!!!
Nice first swing for my grandson. He really loves it! When he is inside and looks out the window and sees wants to go out and swing every time. I like how sturdy is with the sand bags around the legs. And the fact that it can be brought inside for the winter. They are going to put it in basement so he swing throughout the winter. Haven’t needed to adjust to a different swing yet, so can’t really talk about that. But the fact that he loves it and it doesn’t take up a lot of room is perfect!
I bought this for my granddaughter‘s first birthday and she loves it. You really need to put the sandbags on the legs for stability. Super easy to assemble!
Fits perfect on my back patio and baby loves it. Easy to assemble, easy to store, allows for indoor and outdoor use! Our 8 month old granddaughter loves swinging!
I just put this swing together yesterday for my 2 year old birthday. Thank goodness my dad was available and able to help me out. The instructions were vague and not well written. It took us awhile but got it together and she loves it!
The only thing I didn’t like is even if they are strapped in if they are around 25 lbs and they lean forward a little bit it will tip completely over the seat portion. This was easy to put together after I put it together it comes with sand bags and i filled them with sand and put them on each leg to keep it steady.
A very nice BD gift
This was eventually a birthday gift requested by my daughter for her first child. Both the parents and the baby LOVE it so very much. Nice quality, sturdy design and pleasant colors. Highly recommend!!!
Grandson loves it!
Nice first swing for my grandson. He really loves it! When he is inside and looks out the window and sees wants to go out and swing every time. I like how sturdy is with the sand bags around the legs. And the fact that it can be brought inside for the winter. They are going to put it in basement so he swing throughout the winter. Haven’t needed to adjust to a different swing yet, so can’t really talk about that. But the fact that he loves it and it doesn’t take up a lot of room is perfect!
My 2 year old granddaughter loves her swing, stores easy too!
No instructions
Mine didn’t come with instructions and I can’t find it online.
Missing the side bars!
Please send me the side bars that retract. They are no where in the box! I hate it when this happens… please get better quality box inspection!
Niece loves the swing
My niece loves this swing, always asks to go on it. Very cute seat is large!
Great swing
I bought this for my granddaughter‘s first birthday and she loves it. You really need to put the sandbags on the legs for stability. Super easy to assemble!
Nice swing
Fits perfect on my back patio and baby loves it. Easy to assemble, easy to store, allows for indoor and outdoor use! Our 8 month old granddaughter loves swinging!
Daughter loves it but instructions were terrible
I just put this swing together yesterday for my 2 year old birthday. Thank goodness my dad was available and able to help me out. The instructions were vague and not well written. It took us awhile but got it together and she loves it!
Easy assembly/ sturdy
The only thing I didn’t like is even if they are strapped in if they are around 25 lbs and they lean forward a little bit it will tip completely over the seat portion. This was easy to put together after I put it together it comes with sand bags and i filled them with sand and put them on each leg to keep it steady.
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