My daughter is a large 9 year old and I was worried this wouldn't be sturdy enough, but it is! It also looks very high end, and clean. Easy to put together, and tall enough for my daughter to play underneath.
Bought two, one for each of my 13 year old twin girls. Heartily recommend. Arrived very quickly and very well packaged. All parts clearly labeled, complete, and in good shape. Instructions were easy to read, and clear. The entire thing took a bit to put together, but very little compared to other items of similar size and complexity.
I bought this bed to surprise my niece with a room renovation while she was out of town. Took a couple of hours to put together (as expected) but was overall pretty easy to assemble. I wish it was a little more Sturdy but considering most likely only one person will be sleeping on top I feel like it will work just fine. Also, very happy there were different options for the ladder location as we specifically needed it to be in a certain spot. Also wanted to note that it is a beautiful cream color which is exactly what we wanted.
Nice bed but very wobbly. I purchased this bed for my 12 year old and it even wobbled and squeaks when he rolls in bed. He mentioned that it wakes him up at night.
My son loves the bed because he now has space in his room- however, this bed is noisy and it was a great pain putting it together. Very happy with our purchase.
I bought this loft bed for my 12-year old making sure it would be sturdy enough for him to feel safe up there, and I must say it's worth every penny. It took me a 2-3 hrs to put it together using the assembly manual that it comes with. All hardware, allen wrenches, bolts, etc were in the box. Not noisy at all (it's on regular carpet).
I could not climb the ladder comfortably, the bars hurt my feel and trying to climb over the rail was not easy when you make it to the top because it really starts getting wobbly.
Great Bed
My daughter is a large 9 year old and I was worried this wouldn't be sturdy enough, but it is! It also looks very high end, and clean. Easy to put together, and tall enough for my daughter to play underneath.
Very Impressed. Great value, sturdy, well designed and built.
Bought two, one for each of my 13 year old twin girls. Heartily recommend. Arrived very quickly and very well packaged. All parts clearly labeled, complete, and in good shape. Instructions were easy to read, and clear. The entire thing took a bit to put together, but very little compared to other items of similar size and complexity.
Beautiful, high-quality bed for a great price!
I bought this bed to surprise my niece with a room renovation while she was out of town. Took a couple of hours to put together (as expected) but was overall pretty easy to assemble. I wish it was a little more Sturdy but considering most likely only one person will be sleeping on top I feel like it will work just fine. Also, very happy there were different options for the ladder location as we specifically needed it to be in a certain spot. Also wanted to note that it is a beautiful cream color which is exactly what we wanted.
Nice bed but very wobbly. I purchased this bed for my 12 year old and it even wobbled and squeaks when he rolls in bed. He mentioned that it wakes him up at night.
Great bed. Annoying to put together
My son loves the bed because he now has space in his room- however, this bed is noisy and it was a great pain putting it together. Very happy with our purchase.
Round metal ladder hurts feet
This bed is squeaky and feels wobbly. And the metal ladder is a killer on the feet.
Love it!
Perfect for my daughters room! VERY GREAT!
Room-efficient, not noisy and sturdy, well designed.
I bought this loft bed for my 12-year old making sure it would be sturdy enough for him to feel safe up there, and I must say it's worth every penny. It took me a 2-3 hrs to put it together using the assembly manual that it comes with. All hardware, allen wrenches, bolts, etc were in the box. Not noisy at all (it's on regular carpet).
It is very difficult to climb and unsteady at the top
I could not climb the ladder comfortably, the bars hurt my feel and trying to climb over the rail was not easy when you make it to the top because it really starts getting wobbly.
Love This!
Great quality and super cute! Easy to install!
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