Product was pretty easy to assemble, I did it by myself. Make sure you look at the pieces closely when installing so you don’t have to turn them around later.
Easy to assemble Sturdy and good value! This loft bed was very affordable compared to other products. It was very easy to assemble it was my first time putting together a bed and it turned out great. Like many other post say it is wobbly going up but it is not going to tip over or collapse. It actually holds the mattress well. Underneath the loft bed if a queen bed that is separate. The bed is worth the money!
I found a solution for the boys room… Loft beds are great.. Easy to assemble and they are light weight.. I will need to get them attached to the wall when the boys get bigger but for now as you can see they are a great solution for 2 boys that both want to have top bunk.
My son loooves his new bed. It fits perfectly in his room (not huge) and the extra space underneath is great for additional space in the room. Great value for the money.
Daughter loved her bed!! Everything is positive. My daughter loves her bed. Her desk fits perfectly under it. She loves the teal color and with the addition of a nice mattress this is a product we can recommend. Just get some padding for the ladder rungs.
Nice looking
Product was pretty easy to assemble, I did it by myself. Make sure you look at the pieces closely when installing so you don’t have to turn them around later.
Great addition
Easy to assemble Sturdy and good value! This loft bed was very affordable compared to other products. It was very easy to assemble it was my first time putting together a bed and it turned out great. Like many other post say it is wobbly going up but it is not going to tip over or collapse. It actually holds the mattress well. Underneath the loft bed if a queen bed that is separate. The bed is worth the money!
Amazing product
Amazing product and thank you! Super sturdy easy to assemble looks really nice!
My boys love these loft beds!
I found a solution for the boys room… Loft beds are great.. Easy to assemble and they are light weight.. I will need to get them attached to the wall when the boys get bigger but for now as you can see they are a great solution for 2 boys that both want to have top bunk.
Highly recommend this product and seller
This product was just as described. The seller was a joy to work with.
Fun Kids Bed
My son loooves his new bed. It fits perfectly in his room (not huge) and the extra space underneath is great for additional space in the room. Great value for the money.
Easy to assemble and my daughter loves her new bed
Daughter loved her bed!! Everything is positive. My daughter loves her bed. Her desk fits perfectly under it. She loves the teal color and with the addition of a nice mattress this is a product we can recommend. Just get some padding for the ladder rungs.
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