The assembly was a bit tricky, but once we got it done, the chairs and the table are super. Great price. Hope they last. We bought a sturdy cover for them.
First, the price went down $50 the day after I purchased it. The instructions are not easy. I did better doing it in my own instead of following instructions. The screws were very difficult to get threaded and tightened. It took me 2 hours to put together one chair and the table. Im taking a break before I tackle the other chair! But I think this will be enjoyable after I get it all together.
We bought this for my Dads birthday. He loves to be outside. My parents have a small deck. This worked perfect. It was very easy to assemble. The price was nice also.
This outdoor furniture set looks like a million bucks!
The assembly was a bit tricky, but once we got it done, the chairs and the table are super. Great price. Hope they last. We bought a sturdy cover for them.
Very small and uncomfortable
Very small and uncomfortable
Great for the price. Havent really used yet
Like for my small patio.
Not easy to assemble
First, the price went down $50 the day after I purchased it. The instructions are not easy. I did better doing it in my own instead of following instructions. The screws were very difficult to get threaded and tightened. It took me 2 hours to put together one chair and the table. Im taking a break before I tackle the other chair! But I think this will be enjoyable after I get it all together.
High quality for small price!
Easy to assemble and perfect size for small room.
Nice and comfortable
Fits perfectly on my balcony. Perfect for spending time outside. It was very easy to assemble and looks classy. Very good value for the price
Takes time to assemble but cute!
Takes time to assemble but cute!
Great for small place
We bought this for my Dads birthday. He loves to be outside. My parents have a small deck. This worked perfect. It was very easy to assemble. The price was nice also.
Muy bueno
I recommend it, very good quality for the price
Was skeptical about the durability, but so far so good!
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