These were just as expected. If you are familiar with plastic wicker look furniture, that is what these are. They fit together well, they are sturdy, and not too difficult to assemble. They look great on our back patio.
The product is good. Easy to assemble. To assemble all three pieces took me an hour without looking at directions. The pieces werent all marked but its pretty easy to figure out. The cushions arent amazing. Theyre maybe a quarter inch thick but for the price, I think its suitable. I can sit in the chair and still have room for a 12lb dog to jump and sit next to me.
It was little hard to assemble I wish the service was cheaper we could just added it ! Other than that its exactly as you see it in the pic , cute and nice but not very comfy for long sitting ! Very suitable for small porch / space .
These are simple but not at the same time. If everything is not lined up perfectly its a pain to assemble. Even after assembling a screw fell out somewhere.
The package was probably the most environmentally friendly i have seen in a long time. But that did cause a few scruff on the rattan on a couple of pieces.
It is easy to put together, but some of it is a really tight fit so you do have to handle those areas very securely while trying to screw. I put the whole set together in about an hour.
Comfort wise, its ok. For me they are not planned for hours of sitting. Its a place for me to sit for a little while every morning to have some coffee.
In my photo they do look exactly as they do in the sellers photos. So that was great!
In my opinion these are made for small space like mine. Which is why I purchased it. So you do sacrifice comfort unless your a small person. I am 6ft, 200lbs.
The table is nice. Ive read some reviews on the glass being broken or breaking. I am not sure if i will ever have that kind of problem. I do live in a place that can have high winds come thru and that is the only thing i can think of that might break it.
Overall i am very happy with this purchase. I would buy it again if i ever needed to.
Some people will complain about the scruffs left behind from shipping. My response to that is get a furniture marker and color it back in. No one will notice. To me it is not worth complaining about or the hassle of returning it unless it truly does not work in your space.
Once it is assembled, it is STURDY! Great item, great purchase!
It took 2 of us about 40-50 minutes to assemble. Two holes were not correctly aligned, so it was a lot of struggle. I could get one screw in but had to leave one hole empty as the screw wouldnt go in at all. The table is also a bit wobbly. The set does look good, but it is not very comfortable to sit on for any significant time. I dont want to go through the pain of disassembling the product and taking it to the store; otherwise, I would have returned it.
Good quality, great price.
These were just as expected. If you are familiar with plastic wicker look furniture, that is what these are. They fit together well, they are sturdy, and not too difficult to assemble. They look great on our back patio.
These chairs are sturdy, small but that was my need. Needed for small area and it worked out fine
Great for small space
Es genial!
Easy to assemble and the set is very comfortable... we loved it!
Very nice product with an affordable price
It is easy to assemble, and it seem to be made out of a good material
Good product overall. Sits fairly comfortably. Id suggest more padded cushions when you buy them
The product is good. Easy to assemble. To assemble all three pieces took me an hour without looking at directions. The pieces werent all marked but its pretty easy to figure out. The cushions arent amazing. Theyre maybe a quarter inch thick but for the price, I think its suitable. I can sit in the chair and still have room for a 12lb dog to jump and sit next to me.
Easy to assemble, comfortable, light weight though theyre safe to sit on
Not bad at all !
It was little hard to assemble I wish the service was cheaper we could just added it ! Other than that its exactly as you see it in the pic , cute and nice but not very comfy for long sitting ! Very suitable for small porch / space .
Kinda a pain to assemble if its not lined up perfectly.
These are simple but not at the same time. If everything is not lined up perfectly its a pain to assemble. Even after assembling a screw fell out somewhere.
Overall great!
The package was probably the most environmentally friendly i have seen in a long time. But that did cause a few scruff on the rattan on a couple of pieces. It is easy to put together, but some of it is a really tight fit so you do have to handle those areas very securely while trying to screw. I put the whole set together in about an hour. Comfort wise, its ok. For me they are not planned for hours of sitting. Its a place for me to sit for a little while every morning to have some coffee. In my photo they do look exactly as they do in the sellers photos. So that was great! In my opinion these are made for small space like mine. Which is why I purchased it. So you do sacrifice comfort unless your a small person. I am 6ft, 200lbs. The table is nice. Ive read some reviews on the glass being broken or breaking. I am not sure if i will ever have that kind of problem. I do live in a place that can have high winds come thru and that is the only thing i can think of that might break it. Overall i am very happy with this purchase. I would buy it again if i ever needed to. Some people will complain about the scruffs left behind from shipping. My response to that is get a furniture marker and color it back in. No one will notice. To me it is not worth complaining about or the hassle of returning it unless it truly does not work in your space. Once it is assembled, it is STURDY! Great item, great purchase!
Just average
It took 2 of us about 40-50 minutes to assemble. Two holes were not correctly aligned, so it was a lot of struggle. I could get one screw in but had to leave one hole empty as the screw wouldnt go in at all. The table is also a bit wobbly. The set does look good, but it is not very comfortable to sit on for any significant time. I dont want to go through the pain of disassembling the product and taking it to the store; otherwise, I would have returned it.
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