I found the fit of one piece to another varied from right on to close. The ones that were close made it very hard to screw in the screws, and I stripped several (the screws were soft). One literally would not go in. I would not say dont buy the chairs and table, but just know that you arent getting a super quality product for a good price. Id say average quality for a good price. They seem sturdy enough, given that one screw is missing and some would barely tighten, and they are reasonably comfortable.
I loved this set. I saw the reviews and thought it would work perfect for our deck. However, its VERY SMALL! My kids will use these on the deck and we have a love seat for the adults. Yes, adults can fit in this set but its for kids 100%.
While easy to assemble and seemingly sturdy, the chairs are small. Pictured is my husband who is 511, 200 lbs. The chair is very small for him. I returned this set only due to the size. Like I said, everything else about it is great!
I like the look. And it matches the couch set. The back sits a little low and it the bar hurts husbands back. Okay to me.. The cushion is thin but holds to the weather. I gave it a coat of scotch guard as well.. The company should offer an upgrade/ selection so picky customers can get thicker cushions. My family is larger and it holds our weight.
Great buy comfortable
This was a great by! I recently moved into an apartment I love my patio. This set was perfect
Decent quality but hard to put together
I found the fit of one piece to another varied from right on to close. The ones that were close made it very hard to screw in the screws, and I stripped several (the screws were soft). One literally would not go in. I would not say dont buy the chairs and table, but just know that you arent getting a super quality product for a good price. Id say average quality for a good price. They seem sturdy enough, given that one screw is missing and some would barely tighten, and they are reasonably comfortable.
So comfortable for the size
Easy to understanding how to assemble very difficult to actually screw together.
Deck furniture
Love the deck furniture
Nice chairs but small
Theses chairs were smaller than I realized.
Looks great!
Was not that hard to put together and love the look.
I loved this set. I saw the reviews and thought it would work perfect for our deck. However, its VERY SMALL! My kids will use these on the deck and we have a love seat for the adults. Yes, adults can fit in this set but its for kids 100%.
Good quality, but too small.
While easy to assemble and seemingly sturdy, the chairs are small. Pictured is my husband who is 511, 200 lbs. The chair is very small for him. I returned this set only due to the size. Like I said, everything else about it is great!
Close to perfect.
I like the look. And it matches the couch set. The back sits a little low and it the bar hurts husbands back. Okay to me.. The cushion is thin but holds to the weather. I gave it a coat of scotch guard as well.. The company should offer an upgrade/ selection so picky customers can get thicker cushions. My family is larger and it holds our weight.
Very nice to sit on the patio to read.
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