Arrived on time and was exactly as described. This gem was easy to assemble and very sturdy. I left the clear plastic on the bench seat to protect it. Another assembly hint is to hand tighten all the screws and then sit on the bench, before tightening them, with the tool.
Perfect for our mud room. It was very easy to assemble; took me about 15 minutes. The seat is nicely padded and its a nice spot for us to put on and take off our shoes as we enter the mud room. It holds 4 pairs of womens sneakers/shoes on each level or 3 pairs of very large (size 12) mens shoes. Boots have to be on their side as they are too tall for the shelf but I expected that. Very happy with the purchase.
After noticing my shoes piling in my entry way, I decided to purchase this shoe bench.
Assembly was easy peesy, I have a place for my shoes and a place to sit while I put my shoes on. Also, my cat seems to dig it too as a new place to perch.
Its a little wobbly and seems cheaply produced, so it probably is overpriced, but not enough to bug me. It serves my needs nicely so Im satisfied.
Very easy to assemble with minimum parts. It seems sturdy and durable. For the price I am pleased with this product and it will do exactly what i expected it to.
My 11 year old daughter put this together by herself in about 20 minutes. Very easy, seems solid (after I helped tighten a little). Looks nice and exactly what I was looking for.
Overall really good product. Nice design, understand you get what you pay for. I dont mean that negatively, just be realistic with expectations. Use mine everyday to put on my work boots. Hope to get many years of use. Would purchase again.
Works well for me.
A few things to know before purchase:
/ except for the top cushion, it is all metal, as opposed to, say, wood
/ it holds exactly 3 pairs of shoes on each level, unless these are kids shoes where it could possibly hold 4.
Product dimensions are correct but somehow I imagined from the pictures Id be able to put 4 pairs on each level, which is clearly not possible, 3 pairs fills the whole level for me, which is fine.
Exactly What I Was Looking For
Arrived on time and was exactly as described. This gem was easy to assemble and very sturdy. I left the clear plastic on the bench seat to protect it. Another assembly hint is to hand tighten all the screws and then sit on the bench, before tightening them, with the tool.
Perfect for our mud room
Perfect for our mud room. It was very easy to assemble; took me about 15 minutes. The seat is nicely padded and its a nice spot for us to put on and take off our shoes as we enter the mud room. It holds 4 pairs of womens sneakers/shoes on each level or 3 pairs of very large (size 12) mens shoes. Boots have to be on their side as they are too tall for the shelf but I expected that. Very happy with the purchase.
not bad looking either
This bench is so perfect for the room leading to outside. It is sturdy, holds eight pairs of shoes, and doesnt take up much room. Highly recommended.
Pratical New Kitty Perch!
After noticing my shoes piling in my entry way, I decided to purchase this shoe bench. Assembly was easy peesy, I have a place for my shoes and a place to sit while I put my shoes on. Also, my cat seems to dig it too as a new place to perch. Its a little wobbly and seems cheaply produced, so it probably is overpriced, but not enough to bug me. It serves my needs nicely so Im satisfied.
feels sturdy and looks nice
This bench is just what I needed. Went together in less than 10 minutes, feels sturdy and looks nice.
easy to assemble and strong design
Very easy to assemble with minimum parts. It seems sturdy and durable. For the price I am pleased with this product and it will do exactly what i expected it to.
Very easy, seems solid (after I helped tighten a little)
My 11 year old daughter put this together by herself in about 20 minutes. Very easy, seems solid (after I helped tighten a little). Looks nice and exactly what I was looking for.
Sit down, take a load off. Make momma happy and stack your shoes!
Overall really good product. Nice design, understand you get what you pay for. I dont mean that negatively, just be realistic with expectations. Use mine everyday to put on my work boots. Hope to get many years of use. Would purchase again.
was easy to put together and looks great in the front .
This product arrived on time, was easy to put together and looks great in the front entrance. So far it seems sturdy.
works well for 3 pairs on each level
Works well for me. A few things to know before purchase: / except for the top cushion, it is all metal, as opposed to, say, wood / it holds exactly 3 pairs of shoes on each level, unless these are kids shoes where it could possibly hold 4. Product dimensions are correct but somehow I imagined from the pictures Id be able to put 4 pairs on each level, which is clearly not possible, 3 pairs fills the whole level for me, which is fine.
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