These were easy to assemble. The seats are soft and cushioned. They appear to be quite sturdy even for slightly larger people. The bottom of the stool is metal, but has a plastic ring around the bottom, so I dont think they will scratch the floor. The back is further back than I expected, but I guess your back probably never does hit the back of a bar stool. I like that they adjust so little ones can sit up right at the counter too without a booster!
Very attractive especially for the price. Seems sturdy. I had a problem with one of the chairs and they were very responsive and supportive / gave me a new one without my asking.
These are small, lightweight and uncomfortable. I was very disappointed in them. They are fine for my elementary school kids, but I am miserable sitting in them. I like the grey color and they were easy to assemble.
Overall, Im pleased!
These were easy to assemble. The seats are soft and cushioned. They appear to be quite sturdy even for slightly larger people. The bottom of the stool is metal, but has a plastic ring around the bottom, so I dont think they will scratch the floor. The back is further back than I expected, but I guess your back probably never does hit the back of a bar stool. I like that they adjust so little ones can sit up right at the counter too without a booster!
Very easy to assemble
Looks very nice, seems sturdy and is fairly comfortable.
I love the stool. The quality of the stitching in the seat is beautiful.
Just what I needed
Just what I needed, nice and simple. I wouldnt suggest them for the heavy weight though, my kids uses them.
Beautiful, sturdy, easy to assemble and priced right!
Love them
Comfortable chairs
Breyer than I expected I love the chairs
BeautifulAnd So Easy To Put Together
I Love The ColorGorgeous
Great customer service
Very attractive especially for the price. Seems sturdy. I had a problem with one of the chairs and they were very responsive and supportive / gave me a new one without my asking.
Not adult friendly
These are small, lightweight and uncomfortable. I was very disappointed in them. They are fine for my elementary school kids, but I am miserable sitting in them. I like the grey color and they were easy to assemble.
Nice and simple
They were way too assemble and very stylish. Might have to get 2 more.
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