Easy to assemble and sturdy. Picture is a little deceiving because after putting the mattress on, I can barely see the headboard. The mattress in this picture must not be very thick at all.
I never leave reviews but I just had to for this because it was an absolute joke. It took me about 3 hours to build this due to the pieces not being labeled correctly and the instructions being so vague. Multiple pieces had the wrong letters on them and multiple pieces didnt even have letters on them at all. Once put together its very sturdy and nice but I dont think its worth the hassle of having to just blindly put this together.
For the price you can't go wrong with this bed and it was not hard to put together. I was trying to match it with a dresser we already have but the lighting on pic make this bed look a lil lighter than it actually is. Overall I have no reservations about recommending this bed. Nice Value!
The pieces were not all labelled. Had a tough time on part of it, as the English (little as it was) not entirely clear. However we powered through and got it up. The result was very sturdy and just right for the guest room!
My instructions were incorrect so I had some trouble assembling the bed. I had to talk to customer service, the representative was very helpful, then I could email the manufacturer. Once I knew what the issue was I was able to assemble the bed correctly and I have not had any problems since then. The bed is sturdy and comfortable and I would recommend it
the parts were not right, struggled so bad to get a few parts on I ended up having to hammer it in. took me four hours and i was so frustrated by the end. a few parts were too tight while one was so loose I struggled to fit that as well. not happy about this at all
Great bed frame for our teenage son, easy to assemble he put it together within a hour and half. Very pleased with this purchase, great value for the money
Good value-happy with purchase
Easy assembly, look and value are worth the money paid. Good price point as well
Not entirely like the picture
Easy to assemble and sturdy. Picture is a little deceiving because after putting the mattress on, I can barely see the headboard. The mattress in this picture must not be very thick at all.
Labeled and packaged poorly
I never leave reviews but I just had to for this because it was an absolute joke. It took me about 3 hours to build this due to the pieces not being labeled correctly and the instructions being so vague. Multiple pieces had the wrong letters on them and multiple pieces didnt even have letters on them at all. Once put together its very sturdy and nice but I dont think its worth the hassle of having to just blindly put this together.
Satisfied with Purchase
For the price you can't go wrong with this bed and it was not hard to put together. I was trying to match it with a dresser we already have but the lighting on pic make this bed look a lil lighter than it actually is. Overall I have no reservations about recommending this bed. Nice Value!
Be careful with directions.
The pieces were not all labelled. Had a tough time on part of it, as the English (little as it was) not entirely clear. However we powered through and got it up. The result was very sturdy and just right for the guest room!
Good Not Great
Even with a normal mattress, you don't see the headboard as much as the picture. Also very noisy!!!
Good bed for the money, instructions may not be accurate
My instructions were incorrect so I had some trouble assembling the bed. I had to talk to customer service, the representative was very helpful, then I could email the manufacturer. Once I knew what the issue was I was able to assemble the bed correctly and I have not had any problems since then. The bed is sturdy and comfortable and I would recommend it
Not fun to put together
the parts were not right, struggled so bad to get a few parts on I ended up having to hammer it in. took me four hours and i was so frustrated by the end. a few parts were too tight while one was so loose I struggled to fit that as well. not happy about this at all
Very nice, very pleased with purchase
Great bed frame for our teenage son, easy to assemble he put it together within a hour and half. Very pleased with this purchase, great value for the money
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