It was easy to assemble. I like how it screws together. Makes it very convenient to disassemble and carry. It catches well. Unfortunately, I did not have it very long before some of the welds broke on the basket.
We love our new basket! When it arrived the box was in good shape. My kids and I had it un/boxed and assembled within 10 minutes. It sits level and the threads are heavy gauge, which is good for long/term durability. The assembled product is on the heavy side: which is great for long/term use, but can be challenging for younger ones to move without adult help. The yellow color is bright among our green backyard and the chains are heavy / just like on the real courses we play. My family loves this product and will use it for years to come!
Basket is missing chips of paint because there is no padding in the box. At first, I thought it was used. Ill have to paint it again to prevent rust.
Aside from that, the assembly is very easy. Its sturdy enough, except that the base could be a little wider. I would recommend buying this is you want a regulation basket in your backyard.
This gold basket is perfect for the pro to practice. Or just for an amatuer to learn and have fun. It breaks down incredibly easy. The materials are all quality made and welded. Ive had a great time using this basket. Im very satisfied with this product.
If you are looking for a well built pro grade portable basket, snag this one up! I got the baby blue Pro, and it is hands down the best portable basket on the market. Ive built multiple courses over 23 years of discin and owned many baskets. Seriously, look no further, the price is right, and the build quality is stellar!
chains are heavy enough to catch a disc
It was easy to assemble. I like how it screws together. Makes it very convenient to disassemble and carry. It catches well. Unfortunately, I did not have it very long before some of the welds broke on the basket.
Good value / sturdy, and fun!
We love it!
Easy to assemble, very durable, heavy chains
We love our new basket! When it arrived the box was in good shape. My kids and I had it un/boxed and assembled within 10 minutes. It sits level and the threads are heavy gauge, which is good for long/term durability. The assembled product is on the heavy side: which is great for long/term use, but can be challenging for younger ones to move without adult help. The yellow color is bright among our green backyard and the chains are heavy / just like on the real courses we play. My family loves this product and will use it for years to come!
Recommend it!
Very well built. Easy to move. Sturdy. Bought 3.
Packaging damage
Basket is missing chips of paint because there is no padding in the box. At first, I thought it was used. Ill have to paint it again to prevent rust. Aside from that, the assembly is very easy. Its sturdy enough, except that the base could be a little wider. I would recommend buying this is you want a regulation basket in your backyard.
Easy breakdown with quality materials
This gold basket is perfect for the pro to practice. Or just for an amatuer to learn and have fun. It breaks down incredibly easy. The materials are all quality made and welded. Ive had a great time using this basket. Im very satisfied with this product.
Easy assemble
My 12yr old son was able to assemble himself. Very happy with the product I received!
Good quality for right price
Nice quality and fun sport to learn during the pandemic! Would recommend!!
Best basket ive EVER owned
If you are looking for a well built pro grade portable basket, snag this one up! I got the baby blue Pro, and it is hands down the best portable basket on the market. Ive built multiple courses over 23 years of discin and owned many baskets. Seriously, look no further, the price is right, and the build quality is stellar!
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